This needs to be said! For those who dont get it, sorry. All I - TopicsExpress


This needs to be said! For those who dont get it, sorry. All I can say for now: This is an honest genuine BRAVE response from fellow activist Doug Hembroff in response to the so called terrorist incidences in Canada the past week: Apparently Gail Baker, you, I & a handful of others are the only ones who seem to feel this way. Lots of chicken shits too afraid to say anything this early after two killings of our soldiers in the homeland. I am outraged at the governments reaction too, but also at my fellow Canadians for not realizing that just last month our Christian Zionist government decided to join America in war against ISIS in Iraq. Did we not learn anything from their mistakes? Are we as F_cking stupid as the Americans to always be waring against a group who were not a threat to Canadians? But now they sure as hell are a threat to Canadians, two soldiers killed in Canada in the last week & it was OUR OWN GOVERNMENT that started this fight. Can you say BLOW-BACK folks? But of course the bloody media will paint this as though our country was just trying to put down radicals in their own country. What the F_uck are we doing adversely messing around in THEIR country in the first place, now they are adversely in ours, duh. What goes around comes around, that applies to war too. This isnt average Muslims we should be angry at, the ones in Iraq called ISIS & the one that just recently became a Muslim in Canada & shot a soldier, these are all marginalized people with serious criminal problems already, they do not represent average Muslims. But frankly, our fascist war mongering Canadian government doesnt represent average Canadians either. Im left asking myself who the hell these bastards in Parliament are? We did not give them a mandate to go to war with anybody, they just did it because they could & because they had a majority government. They are a Zionist controlled government. I hate that old stupid men in government convince young stupid men to join the the military to go overseas to kill people who were not even our enemy to begin with & they naively do it falsely believing they are defending our country, what BS, all wars are BS especially this one. And in this case these soldiers are getting killed right at home. Perhaps the lesson to learn in all this, is to discourage all young people from joining the military, as they only make themselves a target & act as bullies for the elite. This is NOT about defending Canada. In case you cant tell, Im VERY angry, because WE (our government) were the terrorists FIRST & now they have moved us further away from the peace keeping nation Canada once was. Were following the same stupid war monger empire path of the Americans. Im frankly not feeling very patriotic right now, or too sympathetic to soldiers who stupidly agree to go kill people in other lands, but get killed themselves. Why should we run our flags at half mast for this illegal stupidity, as though there is something honourable about it, soldiers kill people & that ISNT honourable. One terrorist (soldier) is just as bad as the terrorists that fight back, they are all f_cking as_holes, none deserve our praise or sympathy. The fact that most people cant see that or wont say anything politically incorrect, makes people complicate with the terrorism. War mongers & killers think THEY are always on the side of right. WE ARE THE TERRORISTS or at least our bloody government who got us into this mess are. And mark my words, just like the American government, the Canadian government will take away our civil liberties over this & tell us they are doing so to protect us from the latest boogie man & the stupid Canadian sheeple will gobble up all the lies like good little slaves. I apologize for my French swear words I usually try to avoid those, so this means Im really angry. 1 hr · 2 .. Gail Baker Thank you Doug Hembruff! for your sincere and honest expression here regarding this so called terrorist threat. You are the brave one stepping out on a limb and saying what needs to be said & others are too intimidated to say. Heres my take, as well: As you say, any soldier who agrees to go to war, signs a contract with the devil & knows well the risks. The outpouring of grief, yes I do appreciate, because others relate to that soldiers humanity. However, this needs to be balanced, & put in context, of how the regime exploits this death to tug upon the heart strings & nationalism of the rank & file who likely do believe that soldier is of higher worth because he risked his life to preserve our rights & freedoms. You see how duped we are???? our rights & freedoms???? not mine, not the Indigenous, not the majority of rank & file in this nation - rights & freedoms are, however, ensured for the top elites; enough so that you & I know better to call these privileges. Whose rights & freedoms are being preserved? not even the soldiers!!!! They are but pawns. If you are this saintly soldier who signs up for war, well then expect, that you are putting yourself out there, (assuming a level playing field - which there is NOT), to endanger your own life, as well the life of the so called enemy. It is only fair, by Geneva conventions, that those who declare war will be susceptible to enemy fire. What is ironic & twisted about this all - there is no official war declaration - the majority of Iraqi people did NOT agree to the terms. Does anyone question or care the lives of the innocents in Iraq right now???? Rather, Canadian regime has imposed, without any consent from home or abroad, its terror on Iraq. Lets re-examine & break this wide open. Enough is enough! I very much share your anguish & outrage Doug. Next time something like this happens, I would hope for more genuine tears, at least, coming from the Harper regime. Wake up people.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 06:06:55 +0000

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