This one day I walked into the house, hit the door with my bare - TopicsExpress


This one day I walked into the house, hit the door with my bare fist and shouted the words Where is God when you need him. I was angry with God, i didnt like him very much that day. I felt deserted, abandoned and alone even though I was surrounded by many people. This happened while I was very active in church life and a devoted follower of Jesus.This was the day my mom was diagnosed with cancer that had already advanced to a stage where it had spread to her brain and liver. The diagnosis came on my 3rd day of fasting. I bargained with God that I would not eat anything until my mom was okay. Held him ransom with my devotion. My mom passed on 3 days later. Many of us experience moments like these where the presence of the abscence of God is overwhelming. We feel without hope, and quietly become prisoners of the confusion in our hearts that asks where is the God who will never leave me nor forsake me... we just dont say it out loud. Some people in the Bible asked this question... Job asked it when he was really down and out, even Jesus hanging on a cross shouts my God why have you forsaken me. Its in these moments that human suffering becomes very real to us. When we feel betrayed, let down, gossiped about, excluded. Jesus knew this feeling, he identifies... God in human form hangs on a cross and feels what its like to sense being forsaken by God. The perfect meeting of the divine and humanity in the person called the Christ identifies with your suffering. You are not alone. In those moments we want God to be there and we feel left alone by him... its almost like he can say, I know what that feels like. God joins us in our suffering, he embraces us in these forsaken experiences when we hold him ransom while having faith in faith and not faith in Him. Some human experiences cannot be avoided but they can definitely birth something beautiful called identifying with the suffering of our brothers and sisters so that they too can also have you come and embrace them in those moments when they feel forsken and hear the words.... You are not alone, I know what it feels like.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:27:13 +0000

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