This one is especially for those who feel irritated by constant - TopicsExpress


This one is especially for those who feel irritated by constant talk and updates of Palestine or other oppressed people appearing on their newsfeeds. First thing, when news of such issues spread and persist their chances of being resolved increases. The perpetrators get scared and stop, or people are compelled to stop them by any necessary means. Spreading news of atrocities that need outside intervention does get results. Second thing, there are many people who do not know how to, or genuinely cannot, do more than express their opposition to the horrors by condemning the news with updates and shared posts on FB. Most of them do not share pictures because they get a high from seeing dead people, but because they hope it will spread and reach people who can make a significant difference. So, if you are one of the latter people, doing more effective things than simply sharing updates in order to stop the murders and other atrocities, then good. You are doing the better job. And may Allah bless you for it. But please, stop sullying your good deeds by being condescending towards those with lesser means. Even an atom of arrogance can lay all your great deeds to waste in front of Allah, and condescension certainly wont win you any fans. Not from among good people. You might want to consider taking the initiative to help others to do more than what they do because that can help the situation more than your condescension. And if you are doing nothing to help in the first place, and still being condescending, then I fear for the state of your heart and level of faith. May Allah guide us all. Aameen.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 06:31:53 +0000

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