This one is for you Rameez Hassan as it answers most of your - TopicsExpress


This one is for you Rameez Hassan as it answers most of your questions. I did a lot of research on that and finally got few answers. The Creator and his creations. Most of us at some point in time think about few questions in life regarding his/ her existence e.g. “Why am I here?’ “Who put me here” and “How did I get here?”. Without answering these questions man will wonder through life aimlessly without any reference point or criteria for his action and decisions. These questions will haunt him unless they are comprehensively answered. After going through a lot of research and thinking process I am finally able to get the answers for these questions. But to understand this philosophy one has to accept the generally sensed reality and that which is defiantly proven. To understand we have to first understand the limitations of the universe and the objects/things that are present in that. For example if we are defining an object/thing the first stance that comes to our mind is its physical appearance which can be specifically defined in terms of a certain amount of space/volume/dimension and a certain amount of mass. For example to imagine a glass we imagine its volume and mass, which for the sake of arguments we consider as 10 cm3 and 10 g. Now imagine that if any of the quality that we have discussed is removed will that object still exists?. The answer would be a big NO. Because object cease to exist if you remove these qualities from it. This means that every object/thing that a person can imagine is limited and has an end. The objects that are limited cannot be independent as the things that limit it are also the things that it relies on. For example an apple is limited by its mass but for its existence it also relies upon the mass if mass is removed the apple would cease to exist. From the above discussion we could imply that anything that is limited and dependent on something for its existence also has an end as that something is removed it ceased to exist. And anything that has an end also has a beginning. It is establish fact that something that has an end has beginning as it needs to be already in existence before its end. For example an animal that dies (ends) has a beginning, “Birth”. For the sake of understanding and arguments regarding the limitation of universe, one has to assess the every possibility that could exist which could falsify the arguments regarding limitation of universe. For example if we consider the sun in our universe, there could be only three possibilities regarding its existence. 1) Sun is a self creation. (This could not be true as for self creation it needs to be existed before its creation, which by its mere thought is incorrect.) 2) Sun is eternal. (This possibility is also devoid of merit as for something to be eternal it must not have a begging and an end. And as sun has a definite size and volume and is dependent hence it does have an end and a beginning.). 3) Sun is created by someone. (This seems to be the most logical of the three arguments as it fulfills all the conditions that are discussed above. (Limitation, dependency, beginning and end). The argument that man has “created this and that…” is against the logic as for something to be created it must be from nothing. This implies that a man cannot create something rather it can make something from the manipulation of available information. A question comes to mind when a person is observing the universe that whether this universe is limited our unlimited as its dimensions could not be explored by human imagination. The answer to this question is very simple as the universe has a beginning so shall it have an end. To sum this up the universe is made of a sum of limited objects/things which a human cannot mathematically account for. Now it is established that a Universe must have been created or made, one needs to look at the thing responsible for the existence of the Universe. If we consider that the Universe is created or made by a thing A, we must consider that if A posses a beginning then this cannot be a creator rather it is a creation. If A is a creation than we have to consider another thing B which have created or made A. If B has a beginning or end than B is also a creation rather than a Creator. This chain of series would go continue relentlessly. The only correct, acceptable and possible solution is that somewhere in this chain one of the being does not possess a beginning. The consequence of this is that this being without a beginning is not created nor made rather it itself is the Creator. By not having a beginning this being would be independent because it have been at one point the only existent thing hence it would have had to have been Self Sufficient. Thus it would consequently not have an end and hence be unlimited because by not having and dependency, beginning or end, there is nothing which possibly effects or limits it. It would be the starting point of everything because it is devoid of beginning and hence always existed. Therefore everything would have originated from this Creator. This Creator is actually responsible for creation of something and everything from nothing. Once that it is established that there must be a Creator or creators the next question would be “ how many are there and which one does what.?” While many religions adopt polytheism , even so called monotheistic belief have also a polytheistic approach towards the Creator. The oneness of the Creator is again a rational issue not requiring or depending on any textual evidence. By establishing the existence of Creator/Creators by the rational thought, one will have also established the attributes of it being unlimited, independent and eternal. If one were to pose a notion that several creators exists this would imply the existence of several unlimited beings. While some have Concluded that there can be only one Creator, they will use the premise of “if there were many Creators there would be chaos and disorder in the world due to their conflicts and arguments .Such judgment would be shallow and bereft of the understanding that it is unconceivable that an unlimited being would comprise the limited attributes of human such as arguing, conflict or the fathering of a son, as these limited attributes would themselves be a limitation upon the Creator.” To correctly assess the situation one needs to appreciate the uniqueness of the being unlimited .Hence it implies that Creator could only be unique and One for it to be unlimited, independent and self sufficient. As described in Surah Al- ‘Ikhlas in the Holy Quran: “Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. Say you, He is Allah, the one. Allah the Independent, Care free. He begot none nor was He begotten. And nor anyone is equal to Him.”
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 06:28:33 +0000

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