This one isnt quite folklore but sometimes we come across great - TopicsExpress


This one isnt quite folklore but sometimes we come across great little descriptions that we think are worth sharing. This is from a booklet titled The Perenjopri Episode, 1926 Ed. Sybil Davies. At 5.40pm on the 3rd of August 1926, Perth station was already brightly lit, dispelling the gloom of fading winter sun. The locomotive of mixed train No 69, was enveloped in a cloud of steam, as the driver leaned out of the cab, awaiting the green light of the guard. The firebox glowed brightly as the fireman added a few more shovelfuls of coal. A few passengers around the Refreshment Room, hurriedly swallowed tea or beer and dashed across the overhead bridge to join the train. A red-cap (self employed porter), struggled with the heavy case of a 1st class passenger. A big, red faced passenger hugged a sugar bag of bottled beer as he boarded the coach. There was all that fury and excitement of departure - a whistle from the guard followed by an answering whistle of the locomotive, steam skidding off wheels, and the journey had begun. Just then, a late arrival threw his bag on the train and then leapt on to the moving coach, as the conductor closed the gate behind him. The cloud of steam still hung around the Horseshoe Bridge, eventually absorbing the disappearing green light of the guardsman.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:25:20 +0000

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