This ones from a notorious Zionist propaganda website. It is - TopicsExpress


This ones from a notorious Zionist propaganda website. It is remarkable that they attribute the Palestinian Resistances strength to Iranian backing though they try to misportray this as Iranian hegemony! The message is clear though, despite deploying the so-called Iron Dome, spies among Palestinian collaborators, an airtight siege, the Apartheid Wall, spy drones and backing from Western regimes and Arab collaborator regimes, the Zionists have not been able to crash the Palestinian a Resistance who are able to retaliate so fiercely against aggression for now as they continue to arm themselves with ever more sophisticated weaponry for the final war to liberate all Palestine! app.debka/p/article/23750/This-round-of-the-undeclared-Iranian-Israeli-war-–-the-Jihad-missile-offensive-–-continues-
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:43:47 +0000

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