This past Sunday I shared an Epiphany message with the church at - TopicsExpress


This past Sunday I shared an Epiphany message with the church at Burnetts Chapel the crux of which was an invitation for the body of the church to embrace the unique process of self-examination in reference to the current status of those personal endeavors God has ordained for each one of us. Upon witnessing the revelation of a brand new year---how does your current missions statement read? I invite you to consider the following thoughts as shared by your pastor: Weve just started to stretch our legs a wee bit in this brand new, God-given year of 2015. As we begin our journey together and strap our culinary aprons on and as we accept this newly fashioned cook pot fashioned by Gods Sovereign Hand making ourselves ready to join Him in the kitchen of our hearts following his recipe, may I ask you, what faith projects might you be willing to take part in? Consider the following as you ponder just where it might be God would have you shake and bake at Burnetts Chapel. 1. Right now, whats the project you are struggling with? Whats the next step? 2. Whats keeping you from taking that step or its implementation? 3. What is it God has called you to do that is suddenly seeming to come apart at the seems? 4. What nay-saying comments need to be ignored? What comments need to be addressed? 5. What hindrances are really indicators that you are on the right track? 6. What past-stage problems are reminders to call afresh and anew on God? 7. In this new year, how can you build accountability into your life to encourage personal faithful discipleship? 8. How often do you set aside the much-needed time for Bible study and meditation? Believe this: When God calls us to a task, he gives us his help to finish that task! One sign of God is that we are led to work in areas of ministry that for one reason or another never seemed imaginable in our thoughts and dreams. Another sign is that we are trusted to seek Gods help to take the task to completion. And whether we may be young ministers just beginning in the process or perhaps even quite a bit more versed in witnessing the dawn of a brand-new year, WE ALL ARE A WORK IN PROGRESS. Who is it--what is it---in our pilgrimage marathon that we will seek in 2015? Will we seek self--or will we---like the Wise Men---seek the star of Bethlehem so that alongside them we too may kneel and pay homage to Jesus. The Wise Men brought Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. What gifts will you bring Jesus? God Bless us everyone, Pastor Ed.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:18:21 +0000

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