This past Wednesday I met Gian Carlos and his parents at the - TopicsExpress


This past Wednesday I met Gian Carlos and his parents at the orthopedic store. Gian Carlo had the biggest smile in his face, and his parents were so excited they could barely talk. After we purchased the wheelchair and took some pictures with the little man, we went outside to try the new wheelchair, which by the way matched Gian Carlos´s clothes perfectly! We played with the wheelchair for a little while, and then I asked Laura (Gian Carlos´s mom) if she could share his story with me. And this is what she said: ¨I found out that I was pregnant with Gian Carlos when I was 15-years-old. I didn´t tell anyone but my dance teacher, and he made me talk to my mother. When I told my mother I could see she was dissapointed, and she immediately took me to a doctor. I was already 7 months when I got my first ultrasound taken. The doctor told us that the baby was hydrocephalic, and that he looked horrible. He basically told me that I had a monster in my stomach, that I would be excluded from society, and that my life would be ruined. The doctor gave my mom some papers to sign, and after she read them she looked at him and said NO! no matter what, my daughter is not going to abort the baby, and we left. When the day of birth arrived, there were no available rooms and no doctor could see me. I was waiting in pain and in horror, because I didn´t want to see my ¨ugly baby¨. Then I went to a bathroom, got on my knees and pray with all my heart ¨Dear God, don´t let my baby look like a monster please!¨ Finally they put me in a room, and when the doctor took my baby out he looked at me and said ¨this baby is so healthy and perfect!¨and he was right, my baby looked perfectly normal and I was the happiest girl in the world. When Gian Carlo turned 3 years old, he was already walking and making some noises, but I took him to therapy because he acted behind his age. One day when we were at home Gian Carlos had a convulsion, and since that moment his body turned so weak. The doctor said that he has brain paralysis and that he would never be able to walk, move, nor communicate with us. My wolrd was crushed again, I coudlnt believe that after ¨surviving¨the first diagnostic now I had to deal with this. I didn´t leave my house for like a year, I was in major depression, I gained 35 pounds and my son didn´t leave the house as well because I was so embarrassed of him. One day I couldn´t deal with it anymore and I put rat poison in his bottle and pour some in my juice. Even though i was devastated I couldn´t kill my son, but I couldn´t deal with it anymore so I drank the juice with the poison. Three minutes later my mom got home and find me almost dead and she took me to the hospital. Since that shameful event, my husband decided that I needed help so I start going to a pyichologist. I saw some improvement but not much. Then someone invited us to go to a church, and I finally I could rest in God´s arms. Since we start going to that church I learn many things. First of all, that Gian Carlos is not a punishement for something wrong that we have done. that God never gives us more than we can handle, and if we have a son with disability, that means that God thinks we are stronger than other parents. That absolutely everything that happen to us comes from God, and that we have to have faith that He will supply our needs. We thought that you guys wouldn´t believe on my husband´s word about the wheelchair, but God made us pray like never before. This wheelchair is not only a blessing to us, but also a way from God to tell us that He hears us and He is with us.¨ Of course I was balling my eyes out, standing in the middle of the street, listening to Laura´s story I told Laura and Gian Franco(the dad) tha their testimony as a family can and will touch so many lives, so never give up of sharing it with others. So mama, you definetly were obedient to God, because you aren´t blessing just one family, you are blessing every single person that will hear Gian Carlos´s life. Love you mucho! and I´m so incredibly blessed you are in my life.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 17:13:43 +0000

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