This past summer, I went back to Brazil (my other country) for - TopicsExpress


This past summer, I went back to Brazil (my other country) for World Cup and to introduce my wife to the rest of the family. My great uncle was very sick- we got to see him 2 days before he passed away. He was the most gracious and giving person Id met. He left me with a final message: Dont sweat the small stuff, learn to love, to give and be grateful for what you have- everything else is in Gods hands and its going to be ok. He once owned a toy store that went out of business because he gave most of his inventories away...he was very generous and that came back to him a thousand fold later in life. In his honor, a couple weeks ago I started collecting toys for the local boys and girls club through my fitness studio (Studio K-Fit) Today a couple people came from the Boys n Girls club to pick it up- 162 toys and they mentioned that some kids were not getting anything prior to this donation because they didnt get as many gifts donated this year. Tio Wilson is smiling from heaven today-- while eating cake... Because its his birthday today! (And he would probably be eating cake even if it wasnt) #secrettolivingisgiving. Get out there and give back. It feels so great! Happy Holidays!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:03:53 +0000

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