This past week I have learned something, LIFE IS PRECIOUS,we get - TopicsExpress


This past week I have learned something, LIFE IS PRECIOUS,we get only one chance to live it! May it be long or short, we need to embrace it,own it,live it, be courageous,live out loud, stand out,love,laugh,dance,be bold and just never be afraid to be you and do your thang! =0) Shine, make sure you tell those around you that you love them, hold them close, look to those who will lift you up not weigh you down, for that will only make you grumpy and frown. I want to know that ALL OF YOU hold a place in my heart,even if we only see each other once in a while and wave Hi and smile, or if we have coffee and sit awhile, I love all of you and my life would not be complete with out you. XOXOXOXOX
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 03:25:20 +0000

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