This past week or so has been kind of brutal, for me. On top of - TopicsExpress


This past week or so has been kind of brutal, for me. On top of getting sick... I wound up in the ER of the VA Hospital a week ago for pain in my tailbone that was making it difficult to sit, walk... and even just stand. Come to find out... I had waste that wasnt leaving my body... and the doctor said I dont drink enough water. He was like... Ive been here since 7:00 am... and you havent been to the bathroom, once. He was right... the pain woke me up out of my sleep, while the sun was still down... and it was now lunch time. SMH They gave me my first ever rectal exam... and an X-Ray. SMH I know Ive been struggling with my water intake, but damn! Anyway... they gave me a bottle of some Magnesium Citrate to drink... and some Docusate... and a shot, for the pain. Man, who knew eating & drinking what most people do would affect you like this!? Im only 32 yrs. old! Well... I better get it together... so my journey continues. I decided to do a 7 Day Cleanser, this past week... and lost 9 lbs. of waste! SMH... thats just ridiculous! I thought it was all leaving... not staying in me! I HAVE to drink more water to help flush out these parasites & toxins that were refusing to leave, because I refused to drink more water! Even though my blood pressure was 116/77 that morning... I KNOW my LIFE is depending on me doing whatever I CAN to become as HEALTHY as possible! My goal weight is 235 lbs. I know obesity runs on my fathers side of the family... whether they want to admit it or not... and my BMI is in its 30s! Im OBESE!! I want to at least get back down to 11% which is the best Ive ever done on my own just working out, in the gym... and playing Semi-Pro Football... but 6% is my goal. Even when I was Skinny growing up... I was Skinny Fat. Ive never been lean, in my life! 18% is normal, though. I graduated High school at 64 194 lbs.... and as you can see from the chart... 193 lbs. is the minimum for my current height of 66!! I DO NOT want to ever be under 200 lbs., again... I play Wide Receiver & Shooting Guard... and Im really not interested in being that light, ever again. So 235 lbs. it is. I should be good. Just want to stay within my range, until I retire... then I may go a little over... but not if its an unhealthy way. Just muscle... but not too much. Im not trying to be a Body Builder or anything. Ive been more toxic than expected... but I shouldve known... after eating mostly McDonalds, Williams Chicken and Ramen Noodles, my whole life... but thats changed, since Ive been with my fiancé, Danekqua here, in Florida. She doesnt eat that kind of food. All in all... Im feeling better and ready to get back and attack this obesity problem that Ive struggled with, since 2005 at 15% then I started working at McDonalds and blew up to the 250s... probably 60s in just a month or so.... and for a brief moment in 2008 at 11%... during unemployment!! Then I moved to Texas... played some Arena Football for a season... and then some Semi-Pro Football with the DallasBulldogs ProAthletics... and by 2011... I had lost everything... and been trying to get back on my feet, ever since! Since then... Ive just gotten fatter & fatter. Being homeless will do that.... BUT...Im slowly... but surely... getting my life & my time back by making money, online. These J.O.B.s can reject me because of my background and all their OTHER reasons... all they want... because Im learning how REAL MONEY is made... and Im about to graduate come 2015!! Ive learned how to create my own wealth... and get paid what I feel Im worth, regardless of that fact! Ive been able to generate thousands of dollars, in part-time income... EXTRA... on TOP of my income without it... from mostly my cell phone, because of the power of Network Marketing. Im going to be VERY successful at it, too. I own more than one homebased business that pays me money, every month. Im GOING to be VERY successful! Im a business man whos serious about my business... and if Tyler Perry can do it... so can I! So lets get it! duecefit4u.sbcpower
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 16:59:13 +0000

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