This past week, someone bashed me in a post on their timeline for - TopicsExpress


This past week, someone bashed me in a post on their timeline for posting about my ancestors and the War of Northern Aggression…….although she referred to it as the “Civil War.” I did not respond because in this case, the best thing to do was simply ignore her. Well, thinking more about it, I felt it was best to send her and numerous others into what I refer to as “FB Cyberspace.” Poof!!! Problem solved. It never ceases to amaze me at how many uneducated and ignorant Americans walk around every day in complete oblivion regarding what occurred leading up to 1861 and what has gone on since 1865. They buy into the propaganda taught in the public schools, propaganda spewed by Yankee/Northern/PC crowds, and propaganda printed in self-serving articles and books by those who are obsessed with attacking the South and the Confederacy. They have all shut their eyes and ears to fact. Why? Because it does not fit in their OCD with us and with our heritage. Whether someone likes or does not like who my ancestors are, really is none of their concern or business. They are MY blood….NOT theirs. Ignorance will never justify attacking others no matter what the reason is! Why do they feel they must put MY heritage, MY ancestors, and MY history down? Perhaps the cause is simply they do NOT have heritage, do NOT have history, or do NOT have ancestors they are proud of or want to honor. Whatever their issues are, they are NOT mine and I will continue doing exactly what I have. Perhaps a few more people will be sent to FB Cyberspace, but if it comes to that, they definitely aren’t people who understand the importance of remembering history…..ALL HISTORY! Knowing who our ancestors are, provides us with a tangible connection to the past, to the famous and not so famous people of this country and the rest of the world, and to the historical events that so radically transformed this country to what it has become today. Were your ancestors’ famous people? Were they royalty? Did they fight in wars that shaped this country? Did they fight in crusades? Were they from this country or foreign lands? What brought them to this country? What were their vocations? Were they known for writing laws of the land, or outlaws running on the land? Each of us has hundreds of thousands of ancestors. Some we know of, some we don’t know. Each and every one of mine had to exist in order for me to be here. If ONE of my ancestors even 1000 years ago had a child with someone different, then EVERY person from that point till now on my family tree would be different, and I would not be here today. It took thousands and thousands of years of people having children with the right person at the right time to get to my existence. Also, when you think of the notable and famous people in your ancestry, you have to realize that you have their genes in you.....that you could not exist if not for that person; that you can call so-and-so your 5th or 10th or 18th (or however many) great-grandfather or grandmother. So why are we such a determined Southron family? Because when you attack our ancestors, history and heritage, you are attacking us personally. When you attack one of us, you attack all of us. The blood of our ancestors is perfectly and thoroughly interweaved into ours and cannot and will not be separated no matter what anyone does or says. The Monuments, Statues, graves, cemeteries, and flags are all a part of our past and must be honored and preserved. The trials and tribulations of the past are part of God’s perfect plan for not only each of us, but for this world. It is up to each of us, through our own personal decisions, to honor and respect His righteousness and Holy name, and not by bringing shame upon the land or its people. We each have choices in every decision we make in life. We must also anticipate and accept the consequences as a result of our decisions, our choices, whether they are good or bad. The North, led by Lincoln and his fraudulent rationalization, chose to invade and start a war with the Southron people over nothing more than simple greed. No better way to strengthen someone’s resolve than to attack them and what they stand for! The resolve among Southroners is second to none!!! We were and are forever tied to the land and to each other. Deo Vindice! ~Eileen~
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 03:41:07 +0000

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