This past week the City of Quitman received two grants that I had - TopicsExpress


This past week the City of Quitman received two grants that I had applied for. One grant was for $4,000 to promote tourism and required expenditure for events during a certain timeframe. We will be promoting the “Texas Hospital Civil War Reenactment” and producing a brochure that speaks of all events going on in the City as well as County. Tourism is not something we are well known for, but studies by our State, County, and Economic Development Board have indicated it offers us a very positive revenue stream for local businesses as well as sales taxes for the City. We currently have over 200,000 visitors coming in annually to visit Clarko and the Archusa Water Park. We don’t have a figure on those coming to use the Chickasawhay River, Cedar Creek Golf Course, but know that we have many visitors wanting to look at records our forefathers saved during the Civil War burning of the City of Quitman. This is a small but exciting start recognizing the potential offered through Tourism. The second grant comes from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The amount of $38,000 will be matched with $7,600 in funds provided by the Quitman Auxiliary. The money will be spent for a walking trail at the Mary Carter Park made with a polymer base, mixed with crushed limestone. The net result will be a more attractive trail that is functional, easily repaired and more friendly to the feet. The trail will be beneficial for Senior Citizens or anyone wanting to walk, but needing visibility to insure safety should they fall. There is some flexibility in money left over from the trail and the Auxiliary would like to use it for a wrought iron fence on the W. Donald side of the park. This is a safety concern that I share with them. The Quitman Auxiliary informed me the Carousel Horse Dedication will be at 2 P. M. on October 6th. I would like to remind everyone that our Board meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays at 6 P.M., but at the new location of the Depot. Our City is faced with several challenges, but also some wonderful opportunities. How we handle each of these is something that is always discussed openly at the Board meetings. All of us want economic development and jobs, but along the way side effects, occur that should be addressed and any negatives can quite possibly be alleviated. We are a small City that has unbelievable charm and people that care, so it is important to hear from Citizens. The best route of communication is through your Alderman, but City Hall and my Office will always be open to anyone. The Board of Supervisors recently held a groundbreaking ceremony in Stonewall for the new Jones County Junior College. Whenever a Board makes an investment decision, the obvious question you would ask is what the payback is. In my opinion this decision was courageous, thoughtful, and brilliant. Their effort, through the due diligence, partnering, and research made prior to the final decision was a model to follow. A very attractive part of the agreement is an interest free loan by East Mississippi Electrical Power Association. This will be the only School in the State of Mississippi offering oil field training. Clarke County will attract students from all over the State and surrounding States. Our County employs more people in oil field work than any other field, easily beating out two other very important Employers, the Quitman School District and Dart Container. Any student wanting to pursue a career in the Energy field will only have to go to our Stonewall facility and then on to a lucrative job in the field. We have a much better chance of keeping our Students from leaving the area by giving them a career opportunity working in the Energy arena. Saturday was a beautiful day for the Clarke County Wildlife and Forestry Festival at Quitman’s Achusa Water Park. Based on the number of cars at the event, it might be our most successful festival ever. I purchased a Caramel cake that was something to behold. I am afraid to reveal the person’s name that made it, due to the fact the price may go up significantly. Consider the fact that a Marilyn Graham Carrot Cake and an Annie Crimm Strawberry Cake bring a price of $100. Both are well known and I want to keep the cost of my delicious Caramel Cake at $40.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 20:47:17 +0000

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