This past year has been a crazy, wild, scary, heartbreaking ride. - TopicsExpress


This past year has been a crazy, wild, scary, heartbreaking ride. I watched my hometown and neighborhood I grew up in be decimated, and my family and friends experience devastation and loss on a level no one should have to endure. I am extraordinarily proud of my parents, for dealing with the tremendous devastation they experienced and sauntering on with courage and summoning the strength to move forward, rebuild, fight the red tape and finally move back into their home after 9 long months. I am truly inspired for them and the battle they fought in the case of a seemingly hopeless situation, and are still fighting, for the ability to still keep a sense of humor while gutting their house of their belongings, for working so hard at finding some return to a sense of normalcy, and for supporting their friends going through the same. I watched the rest of my friends and family friends do the same- and I didnt know how brave and enduring these individuals were. I am proud of my little sister and brother in law who helped them every step of the way and opened their home to them without a second thought, with a family of their own and not a lot of space to offer- the space in their heart was big enough. Ive been graced with the chance to reconnect with so many old friends, though via a less preferable route, and I am quite appreciative of that. I have been fortunate to meet so many people this past year who truly touched me and inspired me, people who had nothing to give but gave anyway, affected families volunteering to help others, a community that pulled together with camaraderie and compassion in a swirl of chaos. I am grateful for all of the families that let me into their homes and into their lives, that told me their story and accepted help. Meeting all these affected families was such a gift, as has meeting so many individuals who volunteered, ran other volunteer organizations and gave of themselves and their time- meeting and making so many friendships has been rewarding and I am a better person for knowing them all. One of the biggest inspirations has been my astounding friend Jen, my own personal silver lining that I now have her as one of my best friends, who took this crazy little idea of helping people and made her vision happen- and let me come along for the ride. She selflessly put all of her blood, sweat and tears, all of her time, talent, creativity and efforts, and her whole heart into improving the lives of others, to giving all she could even when she had nothing else to give. Her generous warrior spirit and oversized heart and brilliant ideas galvanized a whole movement, motivated others and sparked change. Tonight will be bittersweet for me as it is our One Year Event to commemorate something that flipped our whole lives upside down, and it will be a positive time to reflect, stand together and for all of the families to know they are not alone. It also marks my stepping back from Adopt A House. I will continue to be involved on a smaller level but am stepping down from my position and the day to day operations- and concentrating on my family first. There is so much work to be done, and there are so many who need help, so this has been a tremendously difficult decision for me to scale back my involvement. Luckily, Adopt A House is being placed in very capable and knowledgeable hands who will continue to do remarkable things as she has done this past year, my outstanding partner and friend Michele. While the past year has been the most heartbreaking of my life, watching the tears of hundreds and the sadness, confusion and frustration of so many I cared for and came to care for, it also has ironically been one of the best years of my life- because all I was able to do, more than I thought I was capable of, viewed generosity I never imagined, received more uplifting inspiration and an education you cant put a price on, and that I was blessed to be part of an organization and community that showed its strength in spades. While its hard to find meaning in something like this; for me, its easy to find gratitude and gifts. Im in gratitude for everyone that genuinely, profoundly changed, impressed and influenced me to believe in the power of the human spirit. I have always believed that all people are inherently good and capable of overcoming any challenge laid in their path. Today I know it as fact.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:02:08 +0000

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