This pastor is a misguided individual who is doing an injustice to - TopicsExpress


This pastor is a misguided individual who is doing an injustice to his congregation and others in his community a disservice by blindly lying to them about the ACA that he clearly has not read, and he just makes up lies to scare seniors and others based on No Facts just his religious beliefs and the misinformation that he chooses to believe out of his HATE FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA, and nothing Factual or Based on Truth. He is a bad pastor, abd a worse man. Has he no shame? His actions are the exact opposit of the actions of Jesus. This Pastor is degrading the teachings of Jesus Christ. This Pastor is A FALSE PROPHET. BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS WHO IGNORE THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS, AND MAKE UP THEIR OWN FACTS BASED ON NO TRUTH, BUT HATE FOR THE PRESIDENT.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 01:51:56 +0000

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