This period 1 January 2201 to 31 December 2300 is called 23 - TopicsExpress


This period 1 January 2201 to 31 December 2300 is called 23 century . Astronomical phenomena 2221 Earth, Mars and Saturn triple . December 2, 2223 12:32 Universal Time , Jupiter, Mars cover . 2238 and 2239 , Saturn and Jupiter triple . ( The last time this phenomenon occurred in 1981 ) August 12, 2243 4:52 Universal Time , Saturn, Venus cover . June 11, 2247 , Venus transit . March 4, 2251 10:52 Universal Time , Venus Uranus cover . August 1, 2253 , Mercury cover Regulus . ( The last time this phenomenon occurred in 364 BC August 13 ) June 9, 2255 , Venus transit . October 6, 2271 , Venus and Regulus recently , Venus may cover Regulus . 2279 , Saturn and Jupiter triple . August 28, 2287 , Sunday . The distance between Mars and Earth closer to the minimum, these two planets are closest to August 27, 2003 , Wednesday . August 1, 2253 , Mercury cover Regulus . ( The last time this phenomenon occurred in 364 BC August 13 ) Buddha ( Sanskrit : बुद्ध; IAST: Buddha), the full name of the Buddha , the Buddhist term that Fortuna bipedal statue , which is a successful practice by Ford and wisdom . After all living beings take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha , the number of robbery after three immeasurable spiritual Buddha Buddha Bodhi ﹝ Road ﹞, are likely to become a Buddha ﹝阐提except one person [1] ﹞, so the Buddha through the tired Health Leijie constant practice, one pro card realms know all the causes of law , can be non- life achievements唯除body Miaojue last eight complementary channels now showing Buddha and Buddha. Buddha is the ultimate liberation in the realms of reincarnation , for cosmogenic life completely understand the situation right knowledge, the successful realization of the true saints, so as to certain of all the Buddhas are endowed ten numbers . Mercury ( English : Mercury, Latin : Mercurius), known as Chen Xing , is the smallest of the eight planets of the solar system and the closest planet to the sun , but the largest of the eight planets with eccentricity , the orbital period is 87.969 Earth days. Dharmaksema ( Sanskrit : Dharmakṣema, 385 years -433 years ) , also translated as repentance Mount Tan , Tan is no repentance , in Tianzhu person ( Wei said he was Kapisa people ) , Northern and Southern Buddhist monk, home to the famous scriptures , is the ancestor of Nirvana cases . Meditation , Buddhist terminology , Samatha and Vipassana collectively , is the practice of Zen that the two methods. Chakras ( Sanskrit : चक्र cakraṃ, sound chakra, Tibetan : འཁོར་ལོ་ khor lo), derived from the root circle , wheels , paraphrase or gas Gua chakras , yoga in India in the concept refers to the distribution of energy in various parts of the central body , especially the head is from the coccyx to the body axis were arranged . Chakras are mainly Chinese and veins, left and right veins formed by winding the clock . Chakra Indian philosophy believes exist in the body , while in charge of the physical and mental functioning . In terms of the various organs of the body related functions ; in terms of the psychological and spiritual aspects of emotional impact . And has a close relationship with color , from the bottom up seven colors of the rainbow correspond (actually six rainbow colors and white ) , and thus derived color therapy . This means that utilize color in life energy ( light ) on the body and mind for natural therapy, giving a sense of physical and mental well-being and return to a balanced state of health . Vatican ( Hindi : ब्रह्मन् bráhman) is a Hindu concept is fundamental for the constitution of the universe ; Vatican omnipresent, the ultimate thinking Hinduism is, to self- combined with the Vatican , that Vatican me one. Under the Vatican and the Vatican have Vatican , the Vatican can not be described , to use intuition to understand. Venus ( English, Latin : Venus), is one of the eight planets in the solar system , according to the Sun from near and far are arranged in the order for the second teeth . Ancient called Bai, another morning in the east , said Qiming night in the West called Venus . Orbital period is 224.71 Earth days. Brightness of the night sky after the Moon , ranked second on the feeling , Venus shortly before sunrise or sunset is the brightest moments later . Mercury observational record can be traced back 3,000 years BC, the Sumerians , the era of the Greek Hesiod called Στίλβων ( Latin : Stilbon ) ( the gleaming ) and Hermaon . Today we use the name comes from Rome , is the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology Mercury (Mercurius), equivalent to the Greek Hermes (Hermes) and Babylonian Nabu. Sign on astronomy astrology is an ancient symbol , a version is with great style helmet with wings holding a cane gods (caduceus) a messenger angel . In the 5th century BC , Greek astronomers think Mercury is two different celestial bodies , because it is often alternately appear on both sides of the sun ; one appears after sunset , it is called Mercury ; another one is appears before sunrise, to commemorate the Apollo , it was called Apollo . Pythagoras later pointed out that they are actually the same planet . Chen Xing said northern winter water , Tomoya , listen to it . Intellectual deficit listen losses, inverse winter , moisture damage , penalty , see Chen Xing . Chen Xing see , the principal penalty , the main Tingwei main Hebei , but also for Yan, Zhao , substituting the prime minister also like air rage , fighting the signs again, he said , the military in the wild, elephant Pian Jiang Chen Xing was no military criminal and yin and yang , should be effective not effective, and that the time is not lost ; North . .. At that time, the Department of missing the cold section , Bontemps great famine when not out , is that death blow , Bing big play . lies in the heart room , the earth . Yiyue , Chen Xing out of manic illness , often the main barbarians . Again, he said , Star also barbarians , nor the main pros and cons of criminal law . colored yellow and small, big move. catch light and moon phase , its national flood . Bears in ancient Egypt Valley of the tribal leaders Ji Xuan Yuan ( Emperor ) has defeated Shennong tribes and Jiu tribes. Regulus Kyi pushed for the chief . Wenchang is the third Ziwei Yuan Yuan Ershibasu one star officer , a star of six pieces , such as the half-moon ( see picture on the left ) , the column in front of the Big Dipper Quebec (hence Kuixing kick the bucket is said ) . Symbolize six government departments or officials , were Admiral times will , your relative , Siming , the Secretary , the Secretary Paul . Paintings by Western constellation points, which are six stars of Ursa Major . Kung records emperor surname , first name Regulus , surnamed Kung records emperor , the emperor is described by Ji water to grow , so as Ji Xing , Cui Shu s think Kung is the title of princes of the Sun , not the name, and this title does not exist in ancient times , ranking it No. Regulus Regulus Hill s, the country and the bears, also known as there Xiong 林立偉1982.9.15 ) . I am a male lion Regulus 14 Bear Quebec huge serpent 林立偉1982.9.15 Eminem thousands of lats emperor , 10 Солнца. Scorpion King , I am . Я был Бог, Всемогущий!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:19:50 +0000

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