This perspective now seems at a point of being seen, researched - TopicsExpress


This perspective now seems at a point of being seen, researched and experienced by a massive number of humanity. On display 24/7 so its noticeable with out much effort The wake up call is hardest. Instantly no democracy if their is fascism We pay all taxes believing we have democracy and a say I didnt pay for All this nonsense. We pay blood and out own effort for Abbot to represent u and ur choices If their is any fascism democracy is void and thats our A word If this is democracy and being their for the people working for us I would hate to see love and intimacy We let our supposedly leaders put into power by us undisclose or lose millions all the time And our man always just say oh well things happen or an investigation will ensue . Nothing happens after We got used to getting sick of waiting for an outcome or sick of the complexity waiting for Answers We got used to the answer that its all right or add another issue or complexity to that Screw that! Out the door it should be, why world we the people sto pay for so much unreliability and lies. And not telling us the right answers always . Beating around the bush Is the answer we receive We pay for that Hang on. We what for how long and we got shafted where?
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:10:15 +0000

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