This phase, late summer til Autumn Equinox, our bodies deserve a - TopicsExpress


This phase, late summer til Autumn Equinox, our bodies deserve a deep, nourishing cleanse. Especially our lungs and large intestines. Supporting these systems will help boost immunity before winter is upon us. One of my favorite fruit fasts for this time is a purple or red grape fast. Delicious...and youll definitely feel a change within several days! Early autumn juices and foods for large intestines include: Concord grapes, apples, cabbage, onions & garlic. Other important Mabon herbs & foods for the large intestines are barley, dandelion root, yellow dock root, psyllium seed, aloe juice, papaya and yogurt. Supportive foods & herbs for the lungs that I recommend to patients and students include: pineapple juice, ginger root, raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, onions, garlic, bergamot, licorice root, coltsfoot, mullein leaf, elecampane and lobelia. Be sure to intake enough vitamin C, B-complex and EFAs--Essential Fatty Acids, too. Learn more about foods as medicines and healing herbs in our fall courses: greenwisdom.weebly Stay well during the shift! ~tijhe fireweed, gigi
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:27:15 +0000

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