This photo of the Twin Towers, which were destroyed on September - TopicsExpress


This photo of the Twin Towers, which were destroyed on September 11, 2001, clearly shows Luciferian/Nephilim symbolism surrounding them. As a side note, the Statue of Liberty was built by the Freemasons. It is actually Lucifer the Lightbearer. God is up front. Evil is extraordinarily deceptive, sneaky, and oftentimes masquerades as good. When our enemy, Satan, is full of himself, he overplays his cards. The thing of it is, people do not want to believe the truth. They would rather call what is evil good, and what is good evil. Why do the people of this day ‘want’ to be deceived? This very thing was predicted within the pages of the Holy Bible. —Lyn Leahz Those who follow prophecy have always shared the same argument that exists today: Just who, or what, is the great Babylonian end times mother of harlots? And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Revelation 17:5-6 This particular ‘Babylon’ was obviously a mystery to John the Revelator at the time he was given this vision. This is a fact that cannot be denied. However, many people feel that “Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth” is Rome. I used to think so. However, over the past few years, and after much research, I would have to agree that this particular Babylon that was such a mystery to John the Revelator is New York City in the United States of America. There are many reasons why I feel this way, however, do note that Rome in itself was no mystery at the time John had this vision. Please study the photos and the commentary beneath the photos below and decide for yourself. Be aware that New York City was named after King James (who was the Duke of York, and then later became King). King James was also a 33 Degree Freemason who is responsible for the Biblical King James translation, as used above. Be aware that New York City is the financial center of the USA, which interacts with the entire world. It is the center for trade, commerce, business, etc. just as Babylon was considered in her day. New York City is also a great center of evil, and let us not forget that the ‘love’ of money is the root of all evil. Well, NYC is our root of evil here in the USA. The USA today has whored herself out to Satan, even many of the most well known evangelists and ministers of this day have sold their souls to the enemy. We, as a nation, have bowed before Satan himself and said, “O’ Lucifer, father of lies, son of darkness—we want you to be our master! For we follow your desires, your will, and saturate ourselves with everything you have to offer! We no longer worship the God of our ancestors or Jesus Christ. We consider all that is good, bad and we consider all that is bad, good. We are ready to be destroyed and to spend our eternity in the Lake of Fire! We have given ourselves to you, our master, and we refuse to repent! We are an evil people who loves darkness and not the light!”
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:03:42 +0000

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