This picture is why I have decided to start a gluten free soy free - TopicsExpress


This picture is why I have decided to start a gluten free soy free diet. See how bloated my belly is? See the little droopy sack or free fluid hanging down on my right (your left looking at the picture)? I am embarrassed, so embarrassed that my body looks like this. The thing is (theres always a thing) that it just POPPED out. It was flat in the morning and massive by lunch time. My husband was asked ever so discretely by friends if I was pregnant. I am sure it is a result of food allergy / intolerance. More about that tomorrow. Those that know me, know that I have never ever allowed such a revealing picture of me to be on a public medium. I have never allowed holidays pics in bikinis to be on Facebook. I was never comfortable with showing my body, and I still am not comfortable with showing my body. In keeping it real, I decided I would share this photo, to show you the beginning, and the cause of my journey. Allow me to preface this post (and all future posts) by saying I won’t proof reading my posts. I’m not a writer, I have no creative skill or any experience in this area. Part of my REAL story is to write my thoughts as they come to mind. Here goes… I used to have a rockin bod. USED TO. Life got in the way. Or should I say I let my body get away. Don’t get me wrong, I make no excuses. My priorities changed. My time moved from travelling, seeing friends, gym, preparing my own delicious meals… to work, work, work, clean the house, work, work, work, run some silly errand, host an event, work, work, work, work, do this, do that, work, work, work. Part of me now wonders what I have actually been doing with my time. Of course I know what I have been doing. Let’s take the last two years for example. Living conditions, work, my husband’s dietary requirements and the death of loved ones shook my world upside down, round and round. I have been splitting my time living between two countries; Australia and America. I have been running two businesses and working full time for another company. I worked from 7.00am to 11.00pm most Monday to Fridays, then worked weekends, and both days of the weekend at that. Great news on the work front – I no longer work for the ‘other’ company. I don’t want to say “I quit”. It has such a negative vibe. I like to say I made the decision to have enough love and respect for myself to remove myself from a toxic environment filled with workplace bullying, nastiness, extreme hours and poor working conditions. Go me! My husband has a very restricted diet. He has coeliac’s disease; is allergic to all grains except for rice; yeast, navy beans (aka. Baked beans), lactose and really random foods such as pineapple, eggplant, red grapes (he can eat green grapes), sulphur dioxide also known as preservative 220, found in just about everything! So, just about all of our meals must be made from scratch. Do you have any idea how long it takes to make everything from scratch, from ingredients that are preservative free? I lost several people very close to me. Through accidents, illness, suicide and the irresponsible actions of others. My dad died at the hands of negligent medical professional and the last 22months have been spent dealing with that. Life sucked. This isn’t a poor me post. This is a stuff happens post. Shit happens. It does. Shitty, sucky, unfair stuff happens. It happens to kind people, it happens to unkind people. We need to find the inspiration and strength to rise above it and find our own happiness. To make our lives what we want them to be. To look out for ourselves and those we love dearly. And we need to find a way to do it… while enjoying cake… and in my case for the next 12 weeks, gluten free cake. I have chosen to remove the following words from my vocabulary 1. BUT 2. BUSY I have found that as a result of removing these two commonly used words, I am forced to rethink my sentence and my thoughts. Give it a go, you will be amazed the difference it makes. – V xo
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:32:47 +0000

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