This piece illustrates the anger and utter dis-belief of growing - TopicsExpress


This piece illustrates the anger and utter dis-belief of growing Americans regarding our lack of leadership during these very, very dangerous times. We are traveling through the universe on a ship with no rudder at the speed of light; there is no helsman, we have no leadership, there is no more a lodestar for the world, no guidance or protection from the USA for our allies. Israel is in a war with an unrelenting terrorist nation, and we, her traditional ally has gone fishing. Our supposed progressive leader stands for nothing. He stands not. He does nothing but fundraise for his floundering party, and the irony is that his floundering party is floundering because of his policies, his corruption, and his lack of direction or leadership. This piece is angry, it is upset and upsetting, and it is dead, spot on. All Americans would benefit from hearing this: conservatives, it is a catharsis, needed because it perfectly expresses our anger and fear for future generations; dems, libs, progressives because it would provide a point of reference to enlighten us conservatives who see nothing but the corruption, the impotence, the abandonment of our allies, the irresponsible responses to world terrorism, the unarguable absences in the face of catastrophe. The world is on fire, and our leader is on yet another vacation. His role, as he has lived it, was to become a member of an exclusive country club and to hobnob with the celebrity of his day. The USA was better than this, deserves better than this, and damn well better wake up, because we are descending into a welfare state with more consumers of benefits than providers.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:44:33 +0000

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