This piece is by my mom, Ill have to say its one of my favorites ! - TopicsExpress


This piece is by my mom, Ill have to say its one of my favorites ! Read , Share ! Being worried about the “anti-gun crowd” while you’re reading/writing at a pro-gun site is like being afraid of ants when you’re in 500 feet up in a hot air balloon. It makes no sense. When those of us on the correct side of the U.S. Constitution become afraid of offending, or “giving ammo” to those on the wrong side of the U.S. Constitution and we don’t stand up and say, “I’m not going to worry about the other side!” we must admit that we’ve already been defeated. If I use the wrong terminology on something, will the “other side” think me ignorant? More likely, it’s my side that will do so. When was the last time you saw a gangsta-rapper, leftie or gang banger ridiculed for saying “clip” instead of “magazine”? It’s not that I’m a defeatest: I am not. I just think that those who worry about the “other side” all the time have already lost half the battle. I wonder how anyone can kowtow with their words and not with their bodies. They work in conjunction and if you are afraid with one, you are afraid with the other. When was the last time you saw a Communist dictator worry about what kinds of words the other guys were using against/about him? Hmmm? Are Putin, Kim Jong Un, Ahmadinejad worried about the words their enemies are using to describe them, their activities, their attitudes? No? Are they still in power? Do you see them sweating the rest of the worlds’ news reports? Do you see them wringing their hands over whether the reporters said that they had on khaki twill pants or tan cotton trousers (correct terminology)? Do you see them worried because the French reporter said that they said, “We’ll do what we want.” as opposed to “We’ll do what we want, when we want, how we want,”? No? Duh. So why is it that those on the side of supporting and standing for the United States Constitution and the rights (OUR G-D-GIVEN RIGHTS) that are outlined within it are so namby-pamby, wimpy, scaredy-pants? Why do we worry about “the other side” so much when we have RIGHT on our side? Are some of us that much of a kiss-up? Are some of us so eager to keep peace in our own homes, businesses, extended families that we are unwilling to even stand on a comment forum? Spines, anyone? Because that’s the truth, is it not? Can anyone control the color of the skin they’re born with? No? Yet the lefties use that against those they wish to silence. Can you control your heritage, what kind of background your ancestors gave you via what countries they came to America from? No? The lefties use that against you, too. Would you change it if you could? No? So why bother worrying about changing what you COULD change if you wished to when they use on a regular basis even things against you that you CANNOT change? Why worry about our words when, if we change those to please the left, they will still attack us for our ancestry, skin color, address, food choices, whatever? Why? When we can control and change to please them every part of what they criticize in our lives (beliefs, ideas, actions, statements, skin tone, heritage, age, eye color, food choices, addresses, occupations, etc.), then we shall be their puppets. We shall be played by the pull of the strings they put on us. We shall be nothing but empty shells kowtowing to, mimicking and obeying their every tug on our strings. Political correctness does that to us and nowadays anyone who advocates PC in our words, deeds or beliefs sets me off. When was the last time caving to political correctness did any good whatsoever? Did it change the person to whom you caved’s attitude toward you, making them think you’re someone who wishes to get along with them? Or did it embolden them and allow them to demand more obedience, more kowtowing, more silence, more acquiescence and more puppet-like-dancing to the strings they pulled? As for me and my house we shall not kowtow. We shall not cave. We shall not worry about the correct phraseology, the right attitude, the left’s reactions to our words, deeds and attitudes. We shall serve the Lord G-D Almighty, believe in and PROTECT the U.S. Constitution as written and died for by the Founding Fathers and we shall live free or die trying. We shall not be overcome by fear and the idea of “getting along”. As for me, I shall stand. If I stand alone, so be it. I answer to someone Higher and Mightier than the PC crowd and those who would cave to them. I prefer to have Him smile at me than the smile of anyone here on earth. I do not strive to hear the words, “Thanks for caving. Now change your attitude about X!” G-D Himself blessed this land and to let her die to PC without a fight is not going to please Him. I prefer to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” Which do you prefer?
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:42:30 +0000

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