This popped up on my news feed the other day thanks to Tad Inoue. - TopicsExpress


This popped up on my news feed the other day thanks to Tad Inoue. I cant stop thinking about it so I would love to hear others thoughts after watching Reza absolutely own these 2 journalists. However, my thoughts first. I dont believe any religion is the root cause of why people are good, bad or extreme. As humans we all make choices and I believe those choices are a product of our environment or our path if you will. Examples are what country did you grow up in?, what did your parents do for a living?, were you rich, middle class, poor, sick?. Did you grow up with both parents, one parent, no parents? Where did you go to school?, who were your friends?, what path did you choose after school? The list goes on and on you get the point. I watched someone I met recently get a surprise visit by the FBI because someone reported him as being part of Isis or Hamas. He has lived in the states since he was 2 years old but came from Iraq and apparently someone thought that was good enough to group him into that category. Made me sick and pissed off for him that he had to deal with that, even though the FBI quickly knew it was bogus. If you watch the video pay attention to the 3min mark about Saudi Arabia, I know this goes on and you can even watch the beheadings in a town square like its an event. I know this because I know someone who works in the oil industry who has been to Saudi Arabia many times and was invited to attend and declined. Yet do we care? No of course not they are Allies to the U.S. (This person will remain nameless, unless his wife cares to chime in wink wink) but I know this is the truth and its insane and sick to me to fathom this. Social media and information, right or wrong, from the media is at an all time high and allows us more access to the sick world we live in. However, dont be fooled extreme hate, violence and sickening acts have been going on since the beginning of time from ALL religions (christians included in a major way). So before we start grouping all people as extremists etc. by what religion they follow or what country they are from we need to realize people make their own choices to love or hate. I dont believe any religion or culture makes all people good or bad. I wanna live in a world that believes in loving one another but that is not reality. However, it would sure help if people werent so easily grouped into a category by where they came from, color of their skin, religion they follow or if they sleep with Timmy or Tammy (I am no saint I have been guilty of one or more of these at a time or two but I always try to be better) . Those are my thoughts chime in if you wish!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 01:20:24 +0000

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