This post actually fits between the last two - but needs its own - TopicsExpress


This post actually fits between the last two - but needs its own space. Since I was forced off the highway last night short of my destination, I checked to see what options were at hand. Out in theirselves of nowhere was a campground - County Campground, to be precise. I thought it odd that someone would plant a campground amidst all these endless cornfields, but well, it was there so I headed for it. I called ahead - $20 for the night, and yes they had a tent site. A it turns out, they had plenty of tent sites - most of the campers we seasonal RVs. I rode through the cog round once to pick out my site, went back to pay for it, then headed in. Stopped at the restroom on my way by. As I came out, I heard nice suit... Thanks, I replied as I looked for a body that belonged to the voice. Nice bike - I heard, in a different voice. I finally saw 3 young girls across the drive by the frog pond (absolutely no swimming allowed, says the sign - not that anyone would be tempted to). Well, I got my bike and headed towards my site, except there were three girls between me and it. And they were curious. And none of them was shy.... So we got talking - and I discovered their names were Shayenna, Josie and Terra. I soon knew where their camper was, and that they were with grandma, and that Shayenna started with $10 and still had $7, while Terra started with $.75 and only had $.25 left. I acted shocked - youre not supposed to tell strangers how much money you have!! Which was met with giggles :). At that point grandma (Sarah) pulled up in her chariot. We talked for a few more minutes - I gave them all one of my cards, then I headed over to set up my tent. So did the three girls :) it must have been a boring afternoon - Im not really that entertaining, but there we were. Now, those of you who know me, know how much I love kids. I love their freedom to speak their mind, their enthusiasm, and their genuineness. So I actually was enjoying the company. Which is a good thing, because just as I started to unpack my bags to make sandwiches, another voice happened. So you were sick? What happened?? How the heck? This voice definitely didnt belong to any of the three at the picnic table with me. I looked over to see Micaela and Macenna and JC heading over. Apparently news travels fast in County Campground. Were talking like 4 or 5 minutes! Then Josh and Paul joined us. So for the next half hour, I got to know a pretty cool bunch of kids. They were all sisters and cousins and friends and whatever other connections a bunch of kids at a campground could be. What I saw was a group of kids that was pretty close - they have spent their summers together over the last forever summers. The girls went back to finish their tent - with help from the boys and patriarch Donn. I looked at the tent and wondered how the 4 girls were going to fit in there - after all, there were four of them, with their stuff, and it was only a 20 person tent lol! The family kind of adopted for the night - Shayanna promised me smores at the campfire, which Paul and Josh got going. It was a fun laid back evening. The kids came and went - as kids do. And there were some others I met - I think by the time I went to bed I had met every teenager in the campground. I felt quite at home! This morning Donn offered me a cup of coffee. his son Chris (father to some of the kids but please dont ask me which ones...) went over my maps with me, and altered my route a little bit. After all, wouldnt want to run into my buddy the deputy again! The surprise of the morning? The guys, one of whom was going to ride with me for a way this morning, were nowhere to be found. Rumor has it they were still asleep. The bigger surprise? ALL the girls were up out of their tents. Hey Paul and Josh - thought they were going to be sleeping till noon? Im afraid the girls are one up on you after today! To the Bitter family/clan/friends - thanks for making my stay in County Campground a very special one! Shayanna - keep being the cheerful person you are - but DONT tell people how much money you have Micaela - keep Blue out of the rain, and dont lose an ounce of your boisterousness! Josh - wear your Patriots hat with pride - the rest of them are really just jealous Jaycee - lay off the milk ;) McKenna - good luck back in Alaska Paul - to thine own self be true - no others Terra - stop giving all your quarters to Shayenna Fina - keep up the running - that way the boys will never be able to catch you, which will keep your dad happy
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 21:13:55 +0000

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