This post comes from a brother who wishes to remain - TopicsExpress


This post comes from a brother who wishes to remain anonymous Please post as anonymous. Jazakallah Khair. Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh Respected brothers and sisters in Islam I agree 100% with the previous post about advising in the correct manner and not being rude etc. It was my post a few days ago about taking into consideration the level of the person whom we are addressing/advising and speaking with proper adab and respect. However, when somebody highlights our own fault to us, this does not mean that they think they are better than us, nor does it mean they are judging us. It is the duty of every Muslim to invite towards good and prohibit from evil, even us who have many faults and weaknesses. Instead of reacting with Dont judge me and practice what you preach, we must swallow our pride for a moment and think. Is what the person saying about me correct or incorrect? If it is completely incorrect then it must go in one ear and out the other. We dont need to waste time worrying about what people think. But if it is correct, or some part of it is correct, we must listen without an immediate response of justification. We should take it, and sincerely try to bring about the changes that we need. Everyone else cannot be wrong all of the time. And we cannot be right absolutely all of the time. We are insaan. Sadly, more often than not, sincere advice is taken as a personal attack on the individuals ego. It is not a personal attack. After all what is the person getting out of advising us? It is a sincere effort and hope that we will abandone our sins, for our own benefit, or at least see the sin as a sin. If we acknowledge our wrong then we know that we need to stop doing it eventually, and Allah Taala will give the Taufeeq to make sincere Taubah. But if we justify our wrong, we are treading a very very dangerous path. This is the path to destruction. I apologise for the long story Jazakumullahu Khairan for reading Wassalaam
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:38:25 +0000

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