This post concerns the state of Oklahoma, but contains relevant - TopicsExpress


This post concerns the state of Oklahoma, but contains relevant information that pertains to the effect illegal immigration has on public education in ALL 50 states. Please take the time to read and understand. Thanks much! -I understand we are OK and not on the border or in Texas, but it concerns me a great deal that illegals (costing taxpayers millions of hard earned dollars) as well as criminals, possible terrorists, people with ties to drug cartels, kidnappers, and people with infectious diseases are flowing freely into America AND I have NO doubt whatsoever these same threats are continuing their trek through Texas and into Oklahoma. Why isnt the state government of OK demanding that Oklahomas border with Texas be secured so these threats cant come in so easily. Are we just to assume OK is all good because we arent directly on the border with Mexico? Strictly from an education stand point: Latest static (given to me directly from OKC public schools human resources) in Oklahoma City public schools- 47% Hispanic population. I know not all 47% are illegally here, but MANY of the students & their families are! Quite often, even legal Hispanic students enter the public school system speaking little to no English language. Ever wonder why the vast majority (last time I checked approx. 3 weeks ago, all but 6-7 of the 55 elementary schools) of Oklahoma City public schools received an F grade last year? One of the big contributors to this is illegal children who constantly move from school to school because their families are on the run. These students never have the opportunity to learn anything substantial in school (no building blocks, no structure, no continuity of education) but provide the hit and run MANDATORY TESTING factor that ruins school district test scores and adversely affects the district, each individual school, the community, the student population, the teachers (even the greatest teachers) and so on. The school receives a grade letter from the federal govt. based on these test scores. An F grade has HUGE consequences and permits govt. intrusion (overreach) into the public education system in the state with failing schools. *Look at the Chicago public school system. (The federal Dept. of Education, led by Arne Duncan, either willfully or through extreme incompetence, exacerbates every problem so they can provide a solution which almost always requires giving millions of dollars in contracts to various corporations (corporate partners in corruption) and unions and/or provides the federal government with a reason to assume more control and insert testing regulations for more data collection on our children. This is how the federal government works. Its all part of the scheme, a giant criminal racket costing every one of us a fortune in money and effectively creating additional problems for the big government to solve with a solution that enhances its current agenda). The wealthier parts of OKC public schools have a D or C rating, 2 of the elementary schools have a B rating. Its not because of income inequality, bad teachers, racism, poor standards, etc. It is because the drags and drains of society as a whole congregate at the bottom economically either because of life circumstances OR lack of desire/effort to improve. The federal govt. then threatens to withhold or remove federal funding tax payer money from our state based on inaccurate test scores and individual school grade letter ratings. The federal govt. then gives itself the authority to come in and take over schools/districts that cont. to receive an F grade. The consequences are numerous and again this is only on how illegal immigration negatively affects education in OK. If you look at the bigger picture, this doesnt only affect education, but also property values and limits federal funding to individual states in a variety of areas. I could go on and on, but this is my explanation for being so consistently demanding for awareness of the illegal immigration emergency and the demand for border security, even in Oklahoma.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 04:24:35 +0000

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