This post goes out to all of my face book friends and family. Some - TopicsExpress


This post goes out to all of my face book friends and family. Some of you may complain that I post and share too much , but I do this for a reason. (BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND). When you share a post with me, and it makes me laugh when I am having a very crappy day, I am going to share it with all my face book friends and family so they laugh ,when they are having a crappy day .(BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND) Thank you!! When I share a post that makes me cry, its because it made me think of situations and events in my life that I have had to face. It makes me feel for other people ,and what they are going through. In return it will make you think of situations and events in your life that you have had to face, and how you got through them, and it makes you think about what other people are going through. You will then realize that you are not alone. That you are grateful that you have not had to go through that situation. That you have some one who has been through that exact situation and they made it through it .(Because you are my friend) If I share a post that will make you think about your faith and in God , no matter what God you believe in , its because it makes me think of my faith in the God that I believe in. (Because you are my friend) If I share a post that makes you believe in angels and miracles and god, its because I believe in angels and miracles and god. (BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND) Life is all about faith and love. You need to cherish the friends that you have, and the things that you have. You need to tell yourself that even though your job sucks and you are ready to quit, be thankful that you have a job. Truly look at the people who have lost everything. They have lost their homes, they cant feed their families, their unemployment has run out. They dont have a job. Think about what they must be going through. Now look at your life. Its not so bad is it . Look at all the things in your life that you hate, then think of other peoples situations. True faith is about caring for people, even if you do not know them.? Its about being grateful of all the things in your life. Its about having friends that care about you and do not care what other people think about them . Friends are there for you when you need them. I just want to thank you all for being my friend. I have made some amazing friends on my journey .I just want my closest friends to know how much they have changed my life ,and how much I love them.(Misty) Thank you for all the free readings that you have given me. For all the guidance that you have given me. You are an amazing medium, and you just need to believe in your self as much as I believe in you.(how much we all believe in you) Thank you for the long talks. Your faith and guidance have truly changed my life. I love you! . To (Rev. Charlene), you came into our life and we are forever grateful. Our church is growing. I am doing things that I never thought that I would do. You have increased my faith in God. I love you. To (Tom, Kathy ,Peggy, Rhonda, and Jan). I have never had friends who understood me and made me feel so good about myself. I love you.( Rhonda). I just want to thank you for watching the store while Misty does her thing. She is very lucky that not only does she have her mom, but she has a mom that believes in her, and will help when ever Misty needs you.. I love you and thank you. Now that I have covered an entire page, I just want to thank you all for being my friend.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:09:01 +0000

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