This post goes to all parents, ug sa mga dili pa parents and to - TopicsExpress


This post goes to all parents, ug sa mga dili pa parents and to everybody na naay sakit na pa-KNOW-IT-ALL. for awareness lang. Nobody is in the position na mag comment and mag tell sa parents na mag impose ug disciplinary action when the kid misbehave. Just let the parents, more than anybody else in the world sila mas nakabalo when to impose disciplinary action. My kid, your kids misbehave at times just like any other kids do, so whats so alarming about that? Mas alarming pa gane na attitude ng as tigulang naka but you dont know yet when it is valid and acceptable to say your comments and opinion. But when it comes to saying negative comments ug pag impose ug disiplina nobody is in the position jud unless teacher ka sa bata or parent ka. Porya buyag ayaw tawon pataka ug buka sa baba kay labaw pa ka sa bata ana imong attitude ug behavior. Even in the most intolerable behavior of the kid never say your negative comments sa parents because you might have just offended them. Dont be too insensitive! Parents know exactly unsa nga approach iyang ihatag sa bata, your ways might not work sa uban bata, ok? kaya wag ka mag marunong! Wag kang pa-know-it all! Learn when to shut up or someone will teach you...the hard way. To my Aphio Sister cheer up, let it pass this time but if it happens again, address it..the hard way jud!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 14:24:39 +0000

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