This post is about an ancient concept you very rarely ever hear - TopicsExpress


This post is about an ancient concept you very rarely ever hear about in this day and age. I have some family member and a friend (my best friend for years KSG) who are mutually loyal, principled men and women. I am blessed because I did not know loyality was possible until I was taught it was essential to happiness. I thought codependency was being loyal. I found out codependency produces craving, not loving. These days I am picky. I pick my friends carefully. Friends rent space in my heart and also in my head. I chose people who are reasonable, rational and prudent. Common sense and common decency go hand in hand. Jerry Springer Show contestants like people need not apply for friendship with me. I dont care about the content if your bank account, I care very much about the content of your character. I find out what matters to a person. If their conversation is all about their selfcentered self, I avoid them as much as possible. If their conversation is about them but intertwined with conversations about spiritual principles, I invest my time and space in my head to learn their true nature. This may take years. Beware: Money issues can do damage to a friendships. The Bible says, Neither a borrower or a lender be. I treasure up true friends. I value (appreciate) each time we are together or chatting on the phone. I do nothing or say nothing that shows disrespect or lack of appreciation that would devalue this gift greater than gold or precious gems. I am upbeat, even if I have to force it. Im aware that I rent space in my friends heart and mind. I consider that a very special privilege and the space I rent deep inside my friends heart and mind space as sacred. If I am troubled, I seek out a paid person, a professional to tell my troubles to. If course, there are times when people close to use express concern for our struggles and grief, but I regularly do a self maintenance check up from the neck up so I am not tore up from the floor up so my friends dont have the irrational burden if trying to help someone who refused to help themself by seeking out professional help. If I am resistant to seeking out professional help, its because I am resistant to change. If nothing changes in the way I think, nothing chances. Professional promote change, advancement, progress and a better way if thinking about situations in our life. They equip us to better handle life on lifes terms when things dont go our way or people dont act of react the way we want or expect them to. Rehashing the woo-is-me self pity rhetoric over and over and over against without seeking professional help to change our selfcentered way of thinking just pushes people away and makes the change to have friend that much more unlikely. We get lonlier and mire desperate. Assenuate the positive - eliminate the negative due to the fact that what we say and how we live leaves a lasting impression on others, potential friends. Seek out and follow up with a professional counselor or mental health therapist to aid in recovery mentally, spiritually and emotionally. A multitude of counsel brings wisdom. If all you hear is the voices in your head, youre alone in a very bad neighborhood, your own head. Change is possible and even possible if you get professional help from a person who is well equipped to listen and help you get better with yourself and the world around you, if you want to change and get better. Give it a try, reach out fir professional help today.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:31:17 +0000

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