This post is about how HIR or historical and investigative - TopicsExpress


This post is about how HIR or historical and investigative research works. Very interesting to read about this phenomenon as you learn how the media twists news to suit some agenda or others requirements. The writing starts with a general information part about historians and how they come to their conclusions and also about the verification of existing documents, and then under the heading an example, it actually highlights how the BBC had actively and therefore intentionally! influened public opinion of Serbias Milosovics doings at the time of NATOs tear-up of Yugoslavia in the late eighties. Of course we know about the power agenda and their filthy greed for a military stronghold right where Yugoslavia happened to be located in the Mediterranean region, but most people DO NOT KNOW! NATO, a very important war arm of the power mongers in London City Corporation in the country City of London, was so very much into this filthy warmongering in Yuguslavia and HAD to topple President Tito who was incorruptible and a stable leader of a multi-cultural and thriving Yuguslavia. The influencing by BBC, TIME, etc etc (named in the article) of public opinion about for instance Milosevics influence in the region is so darn typical of the media complicity in the baiting of public acceptance for NATOs military intervention in order to stabilize the region. The power agenda wanted a stronghold in the Mediterranean region and Yugoslavia was selected. Yugoslavia had to be split up into easy controllable pieces. The power agenda engaging NATO and many European intel agencies led by MI6, used the ever so familiar and successful Hegelian Dialectic Method on the public (us!): 1) The power agenda creates a problem (create discord between Yugoslavian states using agenda-controlled media among many other sources and methods) 2) The power agenda convinces the public that they want to get rid of that problem (hyping ALL of the news and news programmes coming out of the Yugoslavian region at the time in a pre-meditated and centrally-controlled way) 3) The power agenda convinces the public through their controlled media AND complicit government officials (European Commission! and UN! among others) that only the power agenda have the solution to the problem (invasion of Yugoslavia by power agenda war puppets NATO) Remember how BBC etc portrayed Milosevic and Tito as evil dictators? Us members of the public were thus influenced by the controlled media to FEEL that a military invasion would be justified and that intervention would be the lessor of the two evils presented to us. Both evils of course did and do not exist and we were fooled yet again at the expense of the Yugoslav peoples in a most heinously evil way making a mockery of everything we believe in, including the Human Rights Courts at the Peace Palace in the Hague. This must be very difficult to take, but we cannot afford to not believe that these evil things are actually orchestrated by the very people that we trust. It is because of that trust that our FEELINGS are so easily manipulated. Questioning absolutely everything that comes out of the media and governments around the world seems to be the only way NOT to be fooled by this vicious power mongering agenda. I call this agenda the Polarising Agenda because it is aimed at dividing the worlds population into two camps: the controllers and the controlled. WE MUST BE AWARE OF THIS AND ADDRESS THE ISSUE AS ONE AWESOMELY AWARE AND ACTIVE GROUP OF ACTIVISTS AND THEIR SUPPORTING CIVILIANS !!! The above together with what is written in the post is a very good way of learning about the machinations of the Polarasing Agenda and how this agenda actually needs us to FEEL in the way that they want us to feel! Psycho-emotional manipulation of the public that very definitely comes from Messrs. Tavistock as well as the usual suspects MI6. This is also one form of Social Engineering, as without this type of manipulation of the public, there would be no way for a Polarising Agenda to achieve its aims. I was thinking how the power agenda would manipulate my writing as above and how you my FB friends would receive their manipulative messages and of course, how that would impact my activism! We Will Win Satan - Master of the Con Beware of the night predator for it hunts at night when its prey cannot see it. hirhome/method.htm
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:07:03 +0000

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