This post is for people that are going through a struggle right - TopicsExpress


This post is for people that are going through a struggle right now. If you are good to go then no need to read! Lol Im laying in bed meditating and I keep hearing this song blast into my head so I YouTube it and this version came up. Its the Kurt Carr singers and this one actually had Natalie Cole singing with them. If you dont know it, Natalie Cole (Nat King Coles daughter) has had a rough go if it in her early years. Lots of pain and abandonment, etc. You can sense a resonance in her voice toward these words as she sings it. About 3 minutes in. As many of you know, I no longer adhere to a lot of the conventions that the Christian religion taught me in my early years and Im slowly walking all of this out but I DO believe that there is a spiritual connection that we have with the creator and these songs still have a vibration that breaks chains and loosens painful handcuffs. I know of MANY MANY people who are hurting very badly in this season. Depression, hopelessness and despair being the leading issue for most people right now. Hell, even I am trying to keep MY head above water right now but Gods love is abundant and he LOVES us and of we allow ourselves to let him rise up inside us, as us we can be changed. We have GOT to start learning to love ourselves. If you are struggling in your life, just listen to these words. Just listen to this and imagine as if you were sitting in a quiet room and the most loving entity you can imagine walked in and scooped you up up in its arms and all the pain just left for a moment and hope invaded your heart and fear left and you could feel like every decision you have made and will make is OK because everything works together for your good. I truly believe that. Stop beating yourself up and despising what you have and dont have. Life is fleeting. Dont let circumstances and broken dreams keep you from being happy and hopeful and whole. Carlton Pearson - felt like tagging you.... I dont know why. :)
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:17:07 +0000

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