This post is for the ladies ONLY, so men look away now :-)......or - TopicsExpress


This post is for the ladies ONLY, so men look away now :-)......or not! I know this is nothing new, I know it’s almost common sense however sharing information can be encouraging to those who may be experiencing something similar. Over the past few months I’ve been experiencing unpleasant painful Periods/PMS; last month was the final straw. I was in a depression for about 4 days - I was on the phone to my Mum constantly just to stay focused and remind myself this is only temporary. My body bloated like a blow fish, my cramps, depressive moods alarmed me so much I decided to take action. After much spent time thinking I realised I had adopted a bad habit. 8 days before - my period I would crave for bad carbs and foods high in sodium and sugars. Though my eating in general is very good I found myself giving into these cravings -not an enormous amount but I now realise enough to affect my body. 5 days before - my body would bloat out like a blow fish to the point where my stomach muscles hurt. 4 days before - my energy levels were so low I had no energy to do daily chores, work was very difficult, my concentration was poor and I experience temporary memory loss (not remembering things like sending emails or booking appointments). 4 days before - I would also start spotting with excruciating cramping. All this would keep going until my period starts.....then I’m fine, happy as Larry; my body would then take about 7 days to get back to normal. I was so determined to deal with this the natural way I made changes. I started to consume (mainly through juicing) huge amounts of spinach, parsley, melon, fresh lemon & lime, ginger juice, asparagus, grapefruit & pineapple. I minimised my carbs and only ate brown rice, quinoa & barley. Occasionally I would have bread/wraps which were wholemeal; I also ate a lot of Turkey rather than chicken. (This all may sound obvious coming from a Fitness Professional but during those 8 days my life was literally turned upside down every month) Today is my due date for my period and when I say this I am NOT lying, this is all 100% TRUTH. I have not had a single cramp, my energy levels are much higher than normal and my overall mood has been great. It took a lot of mental strength not to give into my cravings but I’m so glad I did......I am feeling amazing!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:07:22 +0000

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