This post is long and graphic! Theres your warning:) I am so in - TopicsExpress


This post is long and graphic! Theres your warning:) I am so in awe right now of our God. I was texting a friend this morning about how amazing our bodies are and that God is so interested in us as individuals that he created our bodies to heal themselves. And it occurred to me....every single teeny tiny little cell in our bodies is intricately designed to repair themselves and to make us whole after we have been injured. And the God that designed us with such meticulous care is the same God that created the HUGE cosmos and all that is in it. He made some things that are SO big, my mind cant even begin to comprehend them, yet he created things in our bodies that are so teeny tiny and intricate that my mind cant begin to comprehend them either! How on earth some can not think there is a God is WAY beyond me. Here is the graphic part: I finally realized what the surgeon did to my tongue. Justin had explained it to me several times but last night,the swelling was finally down enough for me to see what he meant. They had to take a pretty big piece from the left side of my tongue. To avoid a skin and muscle graft, and to avoid leaving me with a long skinny nonfunctional tongue, he took the tip and folded it around the cut section and stitched it to the back left side of my tongue. So when I was in the hospital and it felt like the tip of my tongue was in my throat, it was. However, i could feel odd little sensations like fluttering out in the front of my tongue (which used to be the right back side) and flattening....this began the night that I had the surgery. Today I started reading about it and that is exactly what I was feeling. My tongue was already beginning to remap itself in order to properly communicate with my brain! When fully healed, my taste buds will be like they were, the new tip of my tongue already feels like the tip of my tongue. The back feels like the back. Middle is still swollen but getting smaller. The back will push the front forward, causing it to flatten out and get a bit longer. It wont be exactly like it was but it will be a working tongue. That just amazes me. It also speaks volumes about the body of Christ. Right now, my tongue is affecting my speech, my eating, kissing my babies and husband. It is affecting other body parts and their jobs. But one part was removed so all the parts will adjust to to continue to get the job done. That amazes me!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:42:09 +0000

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