This post/rant is not to offend but to address a problem in our - TopicsExpress


This post/rant is not to offend but to address a problem in our Great Country. We have a black President holding the highest office of the land. Although this is true, very little has been done to empower blacks to raise their communities to a level of becoming an educated understanding productive part of our great country. Criminal elements are an accepted part of the community where innocents are afraid to speak out against the criminality present for fear of retribution and retaliation. This is of a major concern; where can this community go if this is not addressed. A great deal of the law enforcement and educational budgets are spent in these areas with little accomplishment in turning things around. When police address the situations in these communities they are treated as unwanted and unappreciated they are truly abused. There is little to no welcome for law enforcement there. With that occurring how can a lawful respectful productive community be established where the residents can walk freely on their streets without fear. The focus should be on the communities themselves, the criminal element and the enforcement of quality of life issues, removing the criminal element with a greater attention to education of the community and acceptable practices. Not on those who police them with the intention to assist the community with its struggles. Uninformed misled liberals suffering from white guilt are being misled to follow an agenda of making reparations for occurrences that have been well addressed with public assistance programs and investments it those communities that have not fully taken advantage of them. Enough monies have been spent on these programs and that is all that should have been called for. My ancestors never owned slaves, why should we be penalized for some things we had nothing to do with. A very small percentage of Americans were slave owners. If this was not self serving to the black community I wonder why would not the focus not be targeted at the current atrocities being committed in the world with slavery and human trafficking, not what people think they are owed. Muslims were and still are the great slave traders and owners in the world. This does not seem to be the focus and this is currently happening in the world. The great many generations of other ethnicities emigrated and have succeeded. When they came to this Great Country with just the clothes on their backs. No public assistance was available at all. They have become productive respectful members of society. It has been over 50 years since the civil right movement, when will the black communities stand on their on feet and address the self created and sustained problems that afflict them. At some point you have to help yourself. Looking at others with envious jealousy for what the have worked for and earned is part of the problem. If you do not get an education or vocation and work, how can you excel. Public assistance should not be a job choice. KR
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:22:02 +0000

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