This post will deal with something I feel on a very emotional - TopicsExpress


This post will deal with something I feel on a very emotional level. There are some things I am ambivalent about, like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. There are some things I dislike, like liver & onions, canned tuna and black socks with sandals and shorts. There are very few things I really hate. This is about something I hate. This week I had an appointment with an oncologist. Luckily, I dont have cancer. What I have is a genetic marker that makes me predisposed to the possibility of bone cancer. That was discovered during a blood workup during a hospital stay a couple years ago. My father died of bone cancer so I take this seriously. In the waiting room I noticed that the crowd of patients appeared to cross various economic, age and racial lines. Cancer, it appears, is an equal opportunity demon. So while waiting to see the doctor, I thought about cancer. Ive read some thoughts from people who question how God could allow good people to be stricken by this dreadful disease. Is it a way to thin out the human herd? The more I pondered the more I thought about the philosophy if you will, and I came to a conclusion. I dont think God intends for us to dwell on the suffering and pain a cancer patient and his or her family, friends and loved ones go through. I think, rather, it is a chance for us to focus on the amazing grace, strength and courage so many of my friends, your friends and others have displayed, do display and will display while facing a most trying circumstance in their lives. So when I go into that office, I will think about the strength each of those patients shows every day in trying to beat this disease. And, fortunately, many are able to survive and go on with their lives. You and I both know many of these folks. All I can say is, God bless them all.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:52:25 +0000

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