This probably going to come across all wrong, but its on my mind - TopicsExpress


This probably going to come across all wrong, but its on my mind and I gotta get it off my chest. This tragedy weve all watched play out over the last ten days or so in Missouri has everyones attention, no matter where we stand. This afternoon my UPS guy, who I have always found to be a decent guy, decided it was okay to ask me if Ive been watching them niggers tear shit up all over the place? That really got to me, that in the 21st century a person who I am essentially his customer, still feels comfortable using racial slurs, and who knows what else, in the course of doing his job. What do I have to do to make it known I dont approve of that crap, wear Malcolm X t-shirts or something? Okay, that was a bit over the top, but you get my point, I hope. Im not a real sociable person in the real world. I dont get out much, by choice, and now that I think about it, some, but not all of that, is because I really dont want to be associated with most of the people I live around, because most of them ARE ignorant, homophobic racists. When I was a little kid my mother went out of her way to find me some playmates who did not look like me, kids we would today call people of color. She didnt want me to grow up to be just another racist in a long chain of the same, and I guess in a way it worked, despite the rest of my social environment. I looked through my friends list just now and I hate to say it, but over 90% of you are white folks, not by design or intent, just how it is, but how the hell are we as a society supposed to learn to respect and appreciate each other, recognize our common ground and appreciate the differences that make life interesting, if we cant even find each other on a lame-assed social network? Like the old saying goes, if you arent part of the solution, youre still part of the problem. Where do we go from here? How do we get to that better place?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:28:23 +0000

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