This program aired today on NFL Network and EVERYONE needs to - TopicsExpress


This program aired today on NFL Network and EVERYONE needs to watch this that is battling ANY disease such as Cancer, HIV, or ANY disease that Affects the Central nervous system! !! Its Oxygen therapy folks!! Something I have been shouting from the rooftops for a good 6 months!! THIS IS WHY WE WANT TO BE IN AN ALKALINE STATE!! Disease and viruses CANNOT LIVE in a ph level of 7.4!! Translation! ?!?! Oxygenated Level!! Thats what this hyperbaric chamber did for Joe Namath!! But medical science DOESNT want oxygen therapy to get out there because it is SO CHEAP. .... Not the hyperbaric chamber that Broadway Joe had access to.. Those are NOT accessible to the ordinary person so thats way this was able to air with no ramifications. .. Not everyone can make an appointment to do this... Oxygenation is CURING TERMINAL DISEASES Ladies and Gentlemen. ... ITS A FACT!!! #EducateYourself!!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:36:59 +0000

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