This read on the side of my Chipotle bag and it just gives me - TopicsExpress


This read on the side of my Chipotle bag and it just gives me another reason to love them... Its easy to get discouraged by the ceaseless news of violence, poverty, and disease. But the news presents a distorted view of the world. News is about things that happen, not things that dont happen. You never see a TV crew reporting that a country isnt at war, or that a city hasnt had a mass shooting that day, or that millions of 80-year-olds are alive and well. The only way to appreciate the state of the world is to count. How many incidents of violence, or starvation, or disease are there as a proportion of the number of people in the world? And the only way to know whether things are getting better or worse is to compare those numbers at different times: over the centuries and decades, do the trend lines go up or down? As it happens, the numbers tell a surprisingly happy story. Violent crime has fallen by half since 1992, and fiftyfold since the Middle Ages. Over the past 60 years the number of wars and the number of people killed in wars have plummeted. Worldwide, fewer babies die, more children go to school, more people live in democracies, more can afford simple luxuries, fewer get sick, and more live to old age. Better does not mean perfect. Too many people still live in misery and die prematurely, and new challenges, such as climate change, confront us. But measuring the progress weve made in the past emboldens us to strive for more in the future. Problems that look hopeless may not be; human ingenuity can chip away at them. We will never have a perfect world, but its not romantic or naive to work toward a better one.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:52:11 +0000

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