This reading/information is so profoundly simple that it is worth - TopicsExpress


This reading/information is so profoundly simple that it is worth posting.....It invites us all to make a choice to shift into a Divine state of Love, serenity, and wisdom, and a way to do so. Providing us with a general evolutionary timeline, it does NOT require the acquisition of time, labor, skills, financial status, religious beliefs , contributions to society, or your understanding of science, spiritual consciousness, philosophy, psychology, or knowledge of the higher realms, although these pursuits can impart vibrant health & well-being and facilitate your ability to practice mindfulness, integrity, non-judgment, and detachment. I have never seen this vital information presented so gracefully, factually and simplistically except in twelve-step programs. It is all-encompassing and indivisible and only requires that you step out of your own way - the minds ego- constructed complex, where fear and separation keep us bound to suffering......What emerged ( to me ) as the primary challenge for each of us, is to master the ability to process our emotions (especially anger, hatred, fear, shame and blame, resentment, guilt, and regret ) in a way that we are able to feel and witness them from a neutral place, which will allow them to be gently and lovingly released.....This will allow healing on a Quantum level......QUANTUM....It is not an easy or comfortable endeavor, and does not come naturally to us as human beings, but it will empower us and free us from the wreckage of our COLLECTIVE miscreation. There is innumerable divine assistance available to each of us but we must ask for it.......every ten minutes if need be....LOL......( Ive been there)......NOW is the time specified by the Realms of Illumined Truth to clear the global collective unconscious of its emotional debris. It is presenting itself to us for release, both individually and collectively, and will continue to do so until it is purged, transmuted, and cleansed.....You are personably in control of the extantcy and speed of your detachment from the holographic illusion of duality, and accountable for your own ascension process, although many false savior scenarios and Doomsday prophecies have been imprinted in the lower quantum fields. ( I briefly alluded to intruder race technologies in another posting) The existence of other beings in our galaxies or the realization of past lives is irrelevant to your ability to complete this inner-work, however there are individuals who have volunteered to ground this forgotten knowledge, and/or act as teachers , healers, DNA template construction/ initiators, guardians, etc., in order to facilitate our birth ( or should I say re-birth) as caretakers of a new Earth...our heavenly home. The concept of Planetary peace has been accepted as a seeming lesson in futility......SCREW THAT!!....I DISAGREE!!!.. Everything evolves and has a purpose and a season...including darkness...The journey has been ( and still remains for some ) down right brutal for the brave souls whose faith and inner -knowing gave them the strength and tenacity to swim against the current and navigate through cruel & impossible circumstances. We are created in Gods image , not to live in desperation and limitation, or to age, sicken, and die, as we have been doing for many, MANY creation cycles, but to create.....Thats it..---CREATE!.....something/ANYTHING.......have fun!...Stop sweatin the little shit, and worrying about your physical appearance, my God! ((if its any consolation or motivation to you----once you ascend you can rebuild your body in Light, anyhow.....thats what Im talkin about!!!!)) It is a blessing to be alive and present at this time to witness what has been called The Shift of the see people awakening to their True power.....And smile because some of these angelic beings dont realize who they are yet....YOU GUYS....and I see Lightworkers every day, who would not think of themselves in those terms, but are nonetheless living lives of loving service.....They fill our schools, hospitals, and volunteer groups, and share what they have.....And there are plenty of them in the rooms of AA......and the fruit of their labor is HUGE....although they may not see it, but they know peace....and joy.......God may be my Higher Power, but a woman named Denise ( Big Dee ) is my hero....and she saved my life. She didnt have to read a zillion books to find out how to heal her life( like I did) because she went to meetings and LISTENED and took ACTION......and gave her life to the Creator.....on a DAILY basis...Of course my master excuse as the poster child of EXTREME A.D.H.D with a masters degree in CHAOS can not seem to comprehend the word consistency, but I will accept the booby-prize for an A-minus in perseverance....cuz it took me 23 years to pluck my one-year coin, and Im still climbing the mountain. So .....this will be one of my final pulpit/podium speeches, because the correspondence below my ramblings pretty much says it all.....its the one....THE ONE!!! MUST read it.....its shorter and more concise than mine......and I will repost the Opono pono photo under this one.......because it is , in my opinion, (educated opinion, that is...hehe ) somewhat multi-dimensional in nature, and transcends time as we are experiencing in this primary reality, so I believe if you use it consistently that it will help you release your emotional stuff, esp if you have not thought about past life issues.......because it will include that automatically.....if u deem it so....because, as the lady explains, that could be re-triggering the ego in unresolved anger and other feelings......ENJOY......I am also sending this to my e-mail contacts so sorry if you get it twice!!! hugs, angela
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:58:28 +0000

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