This reading is based on — Birth Name: Trent Alan Patterson - TopicsExpress


This reading is based on — Birth Name: Trent Alan Patterson Birth Date: 1/26/1995 (January 26, 1995) Your Inner or Souls Urge: This is spiritual and emotional expression more than physical. It is your heart-felt desires, your incentive, how you look at life. Here are your areas of personal satisfaction. Number: 1 Usually not very emotional, you are in this life to take action. You want to lead and direct. You are independent at heart and desire to reach your goals by your own efforts and intelligence. You have a strong creative force with many original and interesting ideas. There is much inner strength available to you. Rarely do you shirk responsibilities. You are proud of your abilities and seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness. Others will respect and help you, like a true leader deserves, so long as you acknowledge and validate the interests and desires of others as well as your own. Be kind and generous, and you can be a recognized leader. You can display conceit and intolerance of people who are considered inferior -- boastful, egotistical, critical, impatient of trifles -- especially when you feel impeded. When you are headstrong, impulsive, or highly willful, you may appear contrary, bossy, dominating, or egotistical. You tend to be impatient with those who are resistant to change. You can be reticent, and can lack self-confidence. Sometimes you wont take a stand for fear of hurting others. Yet, something continually keeps urging you forward. You want your home, spouse, and family to be a credit to you. Overall, you are loyal in friendship, fair in business, a safe leader, and work diligently. You are capable of great accomplishment. Your Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be the real you. Number: 7 You appear dignified and poised, intellectual, and somewhat aloof. When first meeting someone, you appear hard to know, but are friendly and a good talker when better acquainted. You emit a strong sense of self-knowledge. While discussing familiar topics, you are convincing and appear at ease. However, in unfamiliar areas you can make statements you later regret. Your personality gains when well-dressed and groomed; good style with straight lines and touches of color and sparkle, possibly of expensive materials. Your Quiescent Self: Stripping away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitions, shoulds, and shouldnts -- this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams.. Number: 7 You have a cosmic connection with spiritual wisdom. The Ancients are no stranger to you. In fact, you share their knowledge. You are known for who you are, and people seek you out to hear your words of wisdom. You live in an old, beautifully restored house; your library is full of precious and rare books and your study is adorned with classic art. Your thoughts and pleasure are meditation on the philosophical and spiritual wisdom of the masters of old. Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latter days. Number: 8 Your destiny is accomplishment that gives you authority, money, recognition, and/or professional position. Fulfilling your destiny depends much on your determination, knowledge of life and its spiritual relationships, and financial effort. Personal satisfaction is greatest when you accomplish your goals while having the good of others in mind. Depending on education and experience, you are comfortable with finances, an effective leader, a master on all levels of management, and an authority on business. You are most successful with big business, and you nearly always win when you keep your broad outlook and admit no limitations. People respect you and turn to you for decisions. You have great potential as an executive. You are attractive, strong, efficient, dominant, sociable, and inclined to pomp and display. Your Lifes Path: Here are clues to what fate has in store for you. It indicates the type of encounters, events, and opportunities you are likely to experience along your physical life path. Number: 6 You are a humanitarian and idealist, with a path of serving mankind, doing worthwhile things for yourself and those close to you, and teaching by being an example of kindness, justice, truth, and responsibility. One of your challenges along your life path is to establish emotional balance and stability. Your path is one of rendering service to those in need. Your strong sense of family is extended to the community, the state, and even the world. Learn to recognize when the demands of others are an effort to take advantage of your generosity rather than a true need. Finding tranquility in your home may be hard work for you, but once achieved the result can be tasteful surroundings and harmonious social and familial intercourse. You can succeed at anything when the purpose is helping and serving others. You have a strong idealism and are at your best when you directly benefit the lives of others. This Years Path: Here is what you are likely to encounter this year -- your feelings, your predominant perspective, and the type of situations, circumstances, and opportunities you tend to attract during the calendar year. Number: 7 This is your year for personal reflection and perfection, a year of introspection. You feel like analyzing everything you have been and are doing. You think about beauty, love, perfection, and what life is all about. You spend a good deal of time alone, getting acquainted with yourself and your new inner power. This year you gain a better understanding of your emotions and your spiritual nature. Take time out to rest, study, read, and travel, and to look at life from a different angle. Find outlets for personal creative expression. If you have psychic, spiritual, new age, or mystic interests, this is the year to pursue those studies. Quality is your standard. Next Years Path. Number: 8 This is your year of achievement, your year to make great strides in business, employment, promotions, monetary compensation, and/or the accumulation of possessions. It is your harvest time. You feel ambition stirring, a desire to better your financial condition. To accomplish this, it is necessary to be businesslike, efficient, and practical all year. Many opportunities present themselves. To gain your rewards, move forward in a businesslike manner and with sustained effort. Your state of mind, mental capacity, education, experience, and self-confidence are all part of your success and financial advancement. You feel desire to make a special effort to improve or bring to a successful conclusion some of the ideas and dreams of the past years. This is a year of action. Place your abilities on the market with a sense of self-confidence and authority. Last Years Path. Number: 6 This is a year of service for you, a duty year. You feel youre assuming new responsibilities. People make more demands of you this year. You are needed in many directions. Warmth and good will toward others, along with love and harmony, will make everything worthwhile. Justice, fair play, and honesty are important. It is a year for unselfish service. Take care of your health because without it you cannot help others. Find time for rest and relaxation. This is a year to be thorough and conscientious about everything that you do. It is a year of fine and friendly influence for marriage, tranquil home conditions, and traditional family activities. You may feel a strong desire to get settled.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:52:20 +0000

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