This reminds me of an incident years ago, when Joshua Britt was in - TopicsExpress


This reminds me of an incident years ago, when Joshua Britt was in 5th grade and determined to earn the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness Award. We were homeschooling at the time and had joined several other families at a Smyrna park for the testing. The final event was the mile run and, although Josh was never fond of distance running, he was on pace through 2 laps to achieve his goal. Suddenly, midway through the third lap, he began to get what is often called a stitch in his side. This is when an abdominal muscle begins to cramp; though harmless, it is quite painful. Although it slowed him, he kept going. Nearing me, his face contorted in pain, he cried out, Dad, it hurts! As a loving father, I now had a choice to make about how I would respond to my sons pain. I ran alongside him for about 60 yards and attempted to convey to him both my empathy and my confidence in him to overcome adversity. I told him, Son, I know it hurts. But, the pain youre feeling is normal and, if you can fight through it, you can make your time. Josh kept going, struggling, but still on pace. Finally, as he crossed the finish line, just in time to achieve the standard, I was able to help him stretch out the cramp and get some relief. In less than a minute, the pain was gone, replaced with the pride and satisfaction of accomplishing a worthy goal. Hebrews 12:1-2 admonishes us that there are many eyes upon us and that we should, therefore, run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfected of faith. For the joy set before Him, He ENDURED the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Parents, allow your children to experience the unparalleled JOY of achieving great things. But understand this, the cost of any great accomplishment will include endurance, pain, and sacrifice. Never allow your childs comfort to become your ultimate goal. You will rob them of the opportunity for The Lord to build in them great CHARACTER.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 15:12:47 +0000

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