This satan, originally described as Lucifer (not a name, but - TopicsExpress


This satan, originally described as Lucifer (not a name, but rather a title, meaning the Morning Star) was created to epitomize true worship. He was not the worship leader in heaven as some will say, but the entire orchestra and choir was built into him. The pipes, the percussions, strings, trumpets and all instruments were built into him (ref Ez. 28:11-19). He was termed the anointed cherub or the principal cherub signifying his primary position in the angelic order and creation. For this he was much revered and awed among all angelic beings and creation as a whole. But one day, this great cherubim (known as Lucifer) said, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” (Isaiah 14:14) With this utterance of the “five I wills” the created worshipper began to desire for worship, instead of worshipping. He began to recruit angelic beings who will worship him so that he also can be “like the most High.” As he was so highly revered by the angels, a great supply of them joined his revolt to crown him king, (worthy of worship). Notice his key utterance, I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH. It is an active yearning to be worshipped....that he (satan) also desires others to worship him But God had a greater plan, and created humanity to worship Him and to fulfill beyond measure the role that the fallen anointed cherub failed to fulfilled. But because the gifts of God are irrevocable, Lucifer still carried on the gift of perfect music. Hence, whilst God seeks for true worshippers to worship Him in truth and in spirit; satan is also simultaneously recruiting for his worshippers. As today, we have a trail of several millions enjoying the worship of satan through secular and perverse worship (music). This is what I meant by satan is seeking for true worshippers….those that are devoted to his worship; enjoying the perversion that he has created. That they will rather worship Lucifer than worship God. These have joined the rebellion against the most High. Some of us as pastors, worship leaders, ministers and what have we in the church today, have also left the role of the worshipper to start desiring and seeking others who will worship us. We are also saying in our little hearts, I want to be like the most High. We have deviated and very soon, most of us will be thrown down from the Mountain of the LORD as Lucifer was cast down. Let us beware.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:13:15 +0000

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