This sem and I need some closure. This is my good bye to the - TopicsExpress


This sem and I need some closure. This is my good bye to the hardest sem of my entire UP life. I just want to say that second-sem Mikee is so different from first-sem Mikee or last years Mikee. This is the sem that Ive learned more about my limits because Ive been pushed that far. This is the sem that Ive also learned the extent of Gods grace and how it is so bountiful and amazing and unlimited. This is the sem that Ive walked through the fire and lived. Wooh. This is the sem that I became a member of UPJC (woohoo). The sem I went to a slaughter house and the morgue for J123. The first time Ive been locked out of J110 for being 10 minutes too late with an instant singko for a report. The first time I cried in public in the halls of the journ dept. The sem that my commercial won in AdSpeak. The sem that my groups PR campaign won. The sem my heart was broken in every possible way. Chos. Academically broken. Ah basta. This is the sem I became a coffee addict. The sem that I skipped the most meals. The sem that I had to choose between taking a bath or eating breakfast a couple of times (guess which one I chose mehehehe). The sem Ive been beaten up physically, emotionally, spiritually lahat lahat. How do you measure a sem? In sleepless nights in sleepless nights in sleepless nights, in cups of coffee? All I can say is that this is me. This is UP. Im alive. Summer na. Praise God! Thank you God! Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:44:48 +0000

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