This senator is a real human being and hes right about everything - TopicsExpress


This senator is a real human being and hes right about everything hes stated. But the take home message that Israel & America for that matter is there will never be peace it they dont address the elephant in the room. Israel needs to make concessions to Palestine. The State of Palestine must exist already. Enough already! 60 years of oppression and occupation must STOP ALREADY! Like it or not HAMAS are freedom fighters for their people and many of them have lost their own family in this bombing campaign from Israel. So when Israel says that they are using Palestinian civilians as human shields is a bunch of hog wash! Ironically, Israel supported Hamas at one point to eliminate the Feta organization which is the opposing Palestinian organization in which Yasser Arafat belonged to. Palestinians are so so tired of being pushed into a corner by this so called Zionist Regime who claim to live in the democratic State of Israel. Really? I thought a democracy is freedom of rights for all. For human rights. Not preventing the already weak society of Gaza and the West Bank from having electricity, clean water, cutting down olive trees (which for many Palestinians is their only source of income), demolishing Palestinian homes to make way for Zionist Settlements ironically on Palestinian lands in the West Bank. These settlers belong in the State of Israel. Let the Israelis make settlements there. Why should a Palestinian be reminded everyday when he/she goes to look out their window and see settlements in their faces with good clean roads, fresh running water, sanitation services and excellent sewage system, and great cleanly built apartment complexes? Why? Id challenge Israelis or any of its supporters to spend one entire week in Gaza; Im sure they wouldnt make it the very first day! As a nurse, one of the values instilled in nursing school is empathy and unfortunately it doesnt appear like Israelis have this attribute. Empathy - put yourself in the other persons shoes and treat them like how you would like to be treated. Last but not least, it has been said that Palestinians teach their children to hate. Has anyone ever seen footage of Israelis teaching their young to shoot a gun or machine guns? I even saw footage of israeli kids signing missiles that were being used to kill and maim kids much like themselves and laughing about it. There was another footage I saw where an Israeli reporter was asking kids at some sort of military museum what they wanted to be when they grew up. Almost all said they wanted to kill Palestinians. If this isnt racism being taught at an early age, then I dont know what is. As bombing was going on, there were Israeli settlers screaming, shouting and laughing as if it was a sports event. As the eloquent senator said, This is an issue of Humanity hes standing up for! Thank you senator and God bless you and all who are on the side of humanity and justice!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:40:06 +0000

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