This sentence (with a tinge of irony) has 16 words: “We will - TopicsExpress


This sentence (with a tinge of irony) has 16 words: “We will be able to improve the clarity of our writing by means of avoiding wordiness.” It can easily be reduced to 11 without losing any meaning: “We can improve the clarity of our writing by avoiding wordiness.” To keep sentences short and sharp, replace long-winded phrases with a single word. For example: in order to => to so as to => to for the purpose of => to as a means of => to has the capability to => can is able to => can is unable to => cannot on account of the fact that => because due to the fact that => because for the reason that => because in view that => because given that => because in the course of => during for the duration of => during incumbent upon => must paramount to => must need to => must have to => must despite the fact that => although pertaining to => about with regard to => about by means of => by provide an opportunity => allow in order that => so in the event that => if should it be the case that => if in the near future => soon at the present time => now a large number of => many This simple change will allow readers to spend less time reading your work, and more time enjoying our weekends!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:43:04 +0000

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