This sermon outline is for January 25,2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP - TopicsExpress


This sermon outline is for January 25,2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP MESSAGE Theme: THE RIGHT ATTITUDE IN SERVING Text: Philippians 2:1-15 Introduction: BOOK BACK GROUND: Author: Apostle Paul Date written: Approximately 60-61AD Setting: Paul and his companion established this Church at Philippi during on his second missionary journey.(Acts 16:11-40) this was the first church established on European continent. this epestle was written during his imprisonment in Rome. Purpose: To thank the Philippians for the gift they had sent to Paul and to strengthen these believers by showing them that true joy comes from Jesus alone. Key verse: 4:4 rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice Original audience: The Christians at Philippi MEGA THEME: 1. Humility 2. Self sacrifice 3. Unity 4. Christian living 5. Joy - believers can have a profound contentment, serenity and peace no matter what happens,this joy comes from knowing Christ personally and from depending on His strength than our own.we can have joy even in hardship. joy does not come from outward circumstances. BLUE PRINT: 1. Joy in suffering (1:1-30) 2. Joy in serving (2:1-30) 3. Joy in believing (3:1-4:1) 4. Joy in giving (4:2-23) WORD STUDY IN VERSE 1: if there be therefore any consolation in Christ , if any comfort of love , if any fellowship of the spirit , if any bowels and mercies 1.consolationparaklesis- means a calling near,summons ,(especially for help)begging or exhortation, or encouragement toward virtue. macmillan dictionary-something that makes you feel less unhappy or dissapointed. 2.comfort-paramuthion-persuasive address. brotherly love, affection , good will,benevolence. charity-not shown by doing what the person loved ,desires but what the one who love deem as needed by the one loved. ex: Jhon 3:16 for God so loved(ègapèsèn)the world that he gave......... note: he gave not what man wanted,but what man needed as God perceived his need. 4.fellowship-koinomia- association , communion, joint participation or the share which one has in anything. 5.bowels- splagchnon- inward affection. 6.mercies-oiktirmos- compassion,pity,mercy. a heart of compassion or manifestation of pity. NLT- is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? any comfort from his love?any fellowship togethere in the spirit? are your hearts tender and compassionate? NIV- if there be therefore any consolation in christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the spirit, if any bowels and mercies. I. EXHORTATION IN DOING ANYTHING IN A RIGHT ATTITUDES. (v.3) dont be selfish, dont try to impress others. be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. A. have the attitude of Christ. 1. Humbleness or Humility 2. True to His word (v.6)NLT - though He is God , He did not think of equality with God. as something to cling to. NIV - who being in very nature God... KJV - who being in the form of God. form-morphè the form by which a person or thing strikes the vision or external appearance. B. Meekness and unity meekness - having or showing a quiet and gentle nature.not wanting to fight. or argue with other people. C. Work hard to show the results of your salvation. KJV- work out your salvation.... NIV- continue to work out your own salvation.... NLT- work hard to show the results of your salvation.... NET- continue working out your salvation.... D.Do all things without murmurings. murmuring-goggusmus means muttering a secret debate or displeasure. II. THE REASON OF EXHORTATION. A.To have right perspective of who you are. 1. Shine brightly for Christ . 2. to gain a blameless life. blameless - amemptos- free from fault or defect. 3. to be harmless harmless- akeraios/akerahyos- means unmixed / innocent. B. To be reminded of our Role. Eph.5:10-15 Walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise. circumspectly - akribòs - means exactly, accurately,diligently. Conclusion: Therefore in our service, Christ is our example or pattern,you must rejoice in lowly service. Prepared by: Pastor Jerry S. Borasca For any questions: just visit us in our Church Light House Baptist Church Purok 1,Barangay Maslog,Sibulan,Negros Oriental Philippines Or you can text us with this number: 09104822881 or email us borascajerry.pastor@yahoo
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 07:43:46 +0000

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