This share is something I also sent via email today. Just want to - TopicsExpress


This share is something I also sent via email today. Just want to make sure as many people see this as possible. (This is longer than my usual FB updates so please read all the way through!) Last Wednesday I got the chance to help ring the opening bell of the Nasdaq with the team from A Path Appears, including one of my personal heroes, the incredible Sheryl WuDunn. (If you remember, I interviewed Sheryl and her husband Nicholas Kristof last year on #MarieTV) So I arrive at Nasdaq and I start meeting the team who helped bring the book and the upcoming PBS documentary (more on that in a sec) to life. One of the gals said, “Marie - we’re so happy you’re here! You know, we ran some social media reports and #MarieTV drove more traffic and attention for A Path Appears than the full article that ran on The New York Times.” My jaw dropped and I did my classic Jersey fist pump. Is that not freakin’ AMAZING!?!?! I often say that ours is the **best** community online. You know what? It’s true. You are an incredible human being with a huge heart, and I deeply appreciate you. And collectively, we have a bigger reach than one of the most legendary publications on the planet. **Thank you** for tuning in and giving us the precious gift of your time and attention each week (as you know, I take that very seriously). **Thank you** for keeping your heart and mind open to what we share on the show. **Thank you** for commenting and spreading the word to your friends and family. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” In light of all the things that have happened in the world recently, I’m more committed than ever to use the power we collectively have to create positive and lasting change. One of the best and most powerful ways we can do that is by always focusing on what we can give vs. what we can get. Life is really hard sometimes, and I know our personal challenges can feel simply overwhelming. But if we’re able to shift our attention for just a moment, and see the big picture and realize we always have the power to help another human life -- everything changes. **Something We Can Do Together, Right Now** 1. Watch this short trailer of the upcoming film A Path Appears. (And get your tissues out. Trust me.) 2. If you’re in the US, please mark your calendar for next Monday, January 26th. If you’re not in the US, reach out to your US based friends and family and tell them about this film! For our international audience, we’ve learned that the film will be available to watch online after the original air date on TV. 3. Share this message on FB and help get the word out! These issues are important and relevant for us all. We live in a global village and creating opportunities for our fellow human beings (in our own backyard or around the world!) is vital for a more just and peaceful world. One more thing, it’s not lost on me that I’m sending this on #MLK day. We must stand up for each other. We must take actions based in compassion. And we must do what we can to create the world we wish to live in.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:04:30 +0000

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