This shit from the TEAPublicants becomes more and more personal - TopicsExpress


This shit from the TEAPublicants becomes more and more personal everyday ... from a friend of mine ... Gerald Simons I wrote this to counter comments made to me in emails and on face book about my political attitudes. Many have asked me why I am so vocal about the government shut down and have become so anti Tea Party. They asked If I was an ultra liberal, why I recommended my fellow vets vote against the Tea Party and Republican Party. Why I am a Centrist with more liberal views. Here is the answer. I am a permanent and totally disabled vet. I served my country for 21 years. I live with my injuries both mental and physical every day of my life, they will never go away. They affect my wife and children often as hard as they have affected me. I am grateful for the support and income I receive from my country, money I earned, as I paid social security to earned full benefits the entire time I was in the service and worked both before and after paying into the system. Money I earned as I received lower than average wages the entire time I was on active duty. While I was on active duty I worked part time jobs to support my family. While my contemporaries in civilian life bought and paid for homes, I could barely afford rent. While they put money away for college for their children I put food in my kids stomachs. While they drove late model luxury cars, I took the bus or drove 10 year old clunkers that I repaired myself because I couldnt afford to pay a mechanic. I worked for 13 years after my military service as my disabilities worsened to the point that I could no longer work. While my contemporaries put money in the stock market and savings I didnt even own a house until I was out of the service. All I have to leave my children and grandchildren is my home and a small savings account. If I lose my disability income I lose everything and they and my wife of 44 years will get ZERO upon my demise. Here according to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs is what I have been dreading if the government shut down had continued. WASHINGTON -- WASHINGTON (AP) — About 3.8 million veterans will not receive disability compensation next month if the partial government shutdown continues into late October, Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki says. Some 315,000 veterans and 202,000 surviving spouses and dependents will see pension payments stopped. Shinseki is spelling out some of the dire consequences of a longer-term shutdown in testimony Wednesday for the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. The short-term consequences have meant that disability claims production has slowed by an average of about 1,400 per day since the shutdown began Oct. 1, and that has stalled the departments efforts to reduce the backlog of disability claims pending for longer than 125 days. In all, more than $6 billion in payments would be halted with an extended shutdown. So you see my family, friends and associates, my views are a mode of self defense trying defend what I earned my entire life from those who would take it away.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 02:18:30 +0000

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