This short story is all about Jeremy the gerbil and his adventure - TopicsExpress


This short story is all about Jeremy the gerbil and his adventure out of his cage one night when his human mum was still upstairs. Jeremy goes investigating. 1 Jeremy had just woken up, even though it was still dark outside. "Is it night time or just a dark day " he thought to himself. It was wintertime and days seemed to be so much longer, and darker than the summer. It was also cold and he was thirsty so he had to leave his little `haven` in the deep straw, to get a drink of water. The gerbils water supply was on a higher shelf, in a bottle on the edge of the cage. Reaching the shelf, he shnuck over to the bottle for his drink. He didnt want to wake his brothers so he walked quietly. Having drunk his fill, he peeped through the bars, to see if anything was happening `outside` but there was nothing. The sky was still dark too. He was on his way to his `haven` when he realised SOMETHING was different. He couldn`t think what it was at first. Then it dawned on him. " Oh, I know what is different " he told himself, " its the cage door." The cage door was normally firmly closed but this time, it was slightly open. Jeremy knew his human mum closed the door safely but this time, it had sprung open a little bit. He nudged the door with his tiny nose and it opened wider." Now what shall I do, should I go out investigating or go back to my bed ? " He felt naughty so decided " I`m going outside." 2 Sticking his twitching nose out the door, he looked round slowly. " Now, where shall I start, " he asked himself, with curiosity. The window curtain was close by so he used that to climb down. On the ledge were a huge pile of tins, they were clean but his sensitive nose smelled a vague food smell. A gerbils nose is his compass. It took him wherever he wanted to go and be. He came to a small dish with something that smelled of food but he tasted a tiny bit off the corner.." Yuk, that is not food " he told himself, " it might smell of fruit but it tastes really yukky." Jeremy spat it out quickly. He needed water to rinse his mouth, to get rid of the nasty nasting stuff. He could smell water. Reaching the edge of the sink, he found an inch of water in the bowl. " Just what I need to get rid of the taste" he said to himself. He reached in and suddenly toppled head first into the water." Help, I`m drowning " he shouted. Luckily for Jeremy, it wasnt so deep he couldnt stand up. But how was he to get out of the bowl ? There was a washcloth hanging over the edge." Now then, can I climb up there and get out of this water " he wondered, " I think I could if I am careful not to lose my grip ". At the top, he sat on the worktop , shook the water off himself, and preened to get rid of the rest of it. 3 Suddenly, another smell caught his little nose. This smelled so nice so he went to investigate. Jeremy came across a small dish with lots of different smells inside. Inside were small cut up dried banana and strawberries. "Much more interesting "said Jeremy to himself. It was the gerbils treats for breakfast. Jeremy was always hungry so he picked up a small piece of banana and sat there, munching away. He helped himself to a second piece. When he had finished it, Jeremy took a bite of strawberry. " yum yum" he said cheerfully" much better." Taking a second piece, he sat and ate that one too. "Now what " he said aloud, in his squeaky little voice. 4 He was not ready to go back just yet, so walked forward. On the top of the cage, he discovered a lovely smell. It was a cardboard box that smelled gorgeous of something sweet. His nose twitched. " What IS that lovely smell ? " he asked himself. When he reached the box, it was closed tightly but closed cardbox boxes did not create a barrier to the sharp toothed Jeremy. He began nibbling a hole in the corner. As soon as the hole was big enough, Jeremy crept inside. So many smells for his twitchy little nose. He was naughty and bit off a tiny piece. " I wonder what this is, it tastes so good? " he said to himself. And stole another piece quickly. His tummy was getting full now though. " My human mum will be cross and tell me off for this, but whay, its only words ". 5 Mum was on the move , he could hear her in the bathroom upstairs. He crept out of the box and somehow jumped from the cage and onto the chair. Gerbils are very good jumpers but this one winded him and he sat and tried to get his breath back. He was still sat there licking his lips when the kitchen light came on. Jeremy was still finding little bits of the treat on his paws, "Yummy yum yum.Good morning mum " he squeaked, as she put the kettle on for her cup of tea. At first, mum didnt hear his little squeak but when she went to get the keys for the door, she spotted Jeremy sitting on her chair. "What on earth are you doing out here, you naughty boy. How did you get out of your cage ?" "Having adventures " he told her, "lots of adventures." Mum couldnt understand what he was saying "lets get you back home again" she said, scooping him up in her hands. On going to the cage, mum found the door open, "Aha, so thats how you got out, you bad boy." and opening the door wider, she put him back in the cage. This time, she double checked the door had been closed properly. The cage brothers wanted to know all about his adventure, and Jeremy was happy enough to tell them his story. Mum discovered the nibbled soap when she washed her hands, and later found the chocolate box all nibbled. She kept a very close eye on Jeremy for a couple of days in case he became ill from the chocolate he had eaten. Jeremy basked in his brothers admiration for hours. None of them were brave enough to venture out of the cage. Jeremys adventure into the big world of the kitchen was well and truly over. END
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:29:34 +0000

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