This short vid was posted in our team page the other day and its - TopicsExpress


This short vid was posted in our team page the other day and its just so SPOT ON! When I started this journey, I was still in my slump, I couldnt see what the future held for me....but I figured ah what the heck, mine as well give it a try - so I started on my workouts, I dove into the challenge group (even though it seemed weird to me - that I was going to get motivation from this online group - yea ok pppssshh). Then I got a little, tiny glimmer of change within myself, I saw small changes, I FELT small changes....then that little ray of light way down the end of that tunnel started to shine a little. Then I did more, wanted more, got more...and the light got brighter.... Before I knew it , I was RUNNING in the direction of the light. I saw all of these success stories surrounding me, I was on my OWN journey - I was feeling successful (in my own little way) and I thought why not me? I can do that! - and so I did it....with no idea how itd turn out or where it would lead me. I just was lead by HOPE and FAITH and BELIEF that I could make a better life for myself, for my family. And its only been a short time....but already I can turn around and connect all of those dots behind me. I can see every step that I took (that wouldnt have been my typical path) and every change that I made, every challenge that I accepted, every obstacle that I overcame. Ive betterd my health b/c of that path, Ive built my business to where it is today b/c of that path...and the past is SO CLEAR to me....but when I was at the beginning of the tunnel....I couldnt see anything for certain - nothing was clear! I just BELIEVED in what was out there, I BELIEVED that I could do it and I BELIEVED that I DESERVED it! And here I stand....not even halfway through the tunnel, b/c oh man - Im only just getting started! But I can stand here and see those dots connected behind me....and as I look ahead....its still all uncertain, the dots are there - but how will they connect? ....And that light is even MORE bright now. And it doesnt matter HOW those dots connect b/c what I AM certain about is that they are full of opportunity and growth and success and happiness ----> no matter how many rocks I stumble over, or how I fall down on the path - Im certain that I will get back up and keep moving b/c I BELIEVE in everything that lies ahead and I believe that I WILL connect those dots and be proud when I look back on them all
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:46:36 +0000

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